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Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2023


A couple days ago Junie told me she had a dream that I went behind the counter at the McDonald's where she works and began making my own food, over the protests of her manager. It was apparently an apocalyptic setting and I was in full survivalist mode. She were also reported that I'm not very same night her friend Kevin dreamed that I murdered both him and her friend bella. So apparently I was marching through folks dreams that night, albeit not always in a good way. 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Two Nightmares

Last night was the third night in a row I've woken up from nightmares, presumably because I've had to take pain meds for the hip at bedtime. This one involved our old Aspire, the addict brother of a friend, Tre's Mother, roaches, and the library. Ludicrous after waking, but insane in the moment.

Update: I took a nap and had the worst nightmare of my life. Ultra realistic, to the point I didn't believe assurances it didn't happen. One thing I know for sure: I'm not saying I couldn't get hooked on pain killers (anyone can) but with this side effect I'd be the rare junkie that doesn't enjoy it.

Sunday, January 14, 2018


I suffer from nightmares every time I sleep, or at least every time I get a long enough rest to reach REM. Bad, horror movie nightmares.The doctor even prescribed pills to stop me from dreaming, tho I admit I don't take them, as they put me out for longer than I usually have to rest. No big deal, honestly; I usually wake up quietly, acknowledge it was a dream, and go back to sleep. Sometimes I even know it IN the dream. But this morning I bolted upright in bed terrified beyond reckoning and judging by Lisa's reaction I may have even screamed. That . . . was a doozy.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Crazy Dream

Another night, another sleep interrupted by dreams. It wasn't even a nightmare. Sure, I owed thousands to a mob boss who sent goons to break my legs, but I avoided them and set up a meet with the boss (Robert Duval) to hash it out. And this took place at Job Prior, where Lisa had rented rooms for everyone then split after finding out the  sister of a non-existent coworker had a thing for me, so I had that to deal with. And Junie had been left behind in a room by accident, but I found her talking to the maid in a room inexplicably filled with a lending library of MLP comic books. Then I had to leave her to avoid the goons again and take the stairs to the casino. But all in all, an entertaining sleep.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


A nightmare filled night - picture the movie Aliens fought in a Minecraft world - probably brought on by the hip acting up. It woke me up several times. But you know, in daylight that premise actually sounds kinda cool. Someone should design that game.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Dream of Smiley's, and a nightmare of mine

 I had a nightmare. Lisa and I got remarried, because some paperwork snafu rendered the last 20 years void. This time it was at the awful basement church that is St Roman's. Tre didn't stand for the Our Father, and I thought the whole thing reeked of a shotgun wedding. Lisa was thrilled tho, BC "all the dinnerware matches", which it did at our real wedding BTW, but this time it was all paper plates.

After the ceremony I had to pee, which annoyed Lisa, but the men's room had a long line. Thankfully St Roman's had urinal's up and down the hall, so I took advantage. Some guy chose to talk to me at the urinal, and I told him he was barking up the wrong tree .. We went home

After the honeymoon night Lisa vanished, presumably knowing she couldn't handle such skill. I put up missing posters, but the cops were no help. They kept saying she ran off, I'd say with what $, and they'd point out cabinets of shoes and accuse me of lying about our finances.

Then I noticed the screen door was open. I went out on the porch and Angel had gotten out and was staring down two lookalikes. Between them was a tiny, sparkling silver and black kitten. For some reason I kicked the kitten into the house (nicely) and the cats went nuts, and I woke up

Smiley had a dream too. He slipped into a pond, and it carried him back in time. He befriended a girl named Anna or
Alice, also a victim of time travel, and together they struggled to find a way back to the present. All the while they had to stay ahead of the locals, who viewed Smiley's watch and glasses as evidence of witchcraft.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


 These wacky true-to-life dreams that are plaguing me the last couple nights can end now.... My mind feels like it's going to burst! - Lisa

Sunday, December 6, 2015

More Nightmares

My sleep was riddled with nightmares and I woke up angry about something I no longer even remember. Gotta shake it off.

Monday, December 1, 2014

After Earth and a Nightmare (kinda the same thing)

A pretty awful night. For starters I watched "After Earth", a vaguely tolerable Wil Smith movie that isn't as awful as its reputation indicates. Then my sleep kept getting interrupted by nightmares about a trip to Cave of the Mounds where I was separated from the family and kidnapped, then forced to attend a birthday party up north. I was angry because I wasn't there for LK to see her first cave. #nutty

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Nightmare

Went to bed 'round midnight, woke up at 4:04 from a nightmare bad enough that I promptly went downstairs and hurled. Great night.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Nightmare

Junie  keeps talking about a nightmare she had. It was her birthday, and she wanted to go to a festival but instead we took her to the circus. 'mean guys' were at the circus, and they had guns and tried to kill us all. We had swords tho', and we killed them first. Then we collected rocks and put them in her school. She is very matter of fact about this, and does not seem very affected.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Rough Night

Horrible nightmares all night, one rolling right into the next. Not a good night.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Nightmare

I've dealt w/ nightmares most of the year, including some doozies I recorded on my blog. Last night's takes the cake: a sex dream involving the residents of a nursing home, one of whom was my boss. Shudder.