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Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Dream of Smiley's, and a nightmare of mine

 I had a nightmare. Lisa and I got remarried, because some paperwork snafu rendered the last 20 years void. This time it was at the awful basement church that is St Roman's. Tre didn't stand for the Our Father, and I thought the whole thing reeked of a shotgun wedding. Lisa was thrilled tho, BC "all the dinnerware matches", which it did at our real wedding BTW, but this time it was all paper plates.

After the ceremony I had to pee, which annoyed Lisa, but the men's room had a long line. Thankfully St Roman's had urinal's up and down the hall, so I took advantage. Some guy chose to talk to me at the urinal, and I told him he was barking up the wrong tree .. We went home

After the honeymoon night Lisa vanished, presumably knowing she couldn't handle such skill. I put up missing posters, but the cops were no help. They kept saying she ran off, I'd say with what $, and they'd point out cabinets of shoes and accuse me of lying about our finances.

Then I noticed the screen door was open. I went out on the porch and Angel had gotten out and was staring down two lookalikes. Between them was a tiny, sparkling silver and black kitten. For some reason I kicked the kitten into the house (nicely) and the cats went nuts, and I woke up

Smiley had a dream too. He slipped into a pond, and it carried him back in time. He befriended a girl named Anna or
Alice, also a victim of time travel, and together they struggled to find a way back to the present. All the while they had to stay ahead of the locals, who viewed Smiley's watch and glasses as evidence of witchcraft.

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