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Showing posts with label me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label me. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2016

'Tis a Bad Day for Danny

My hip hurts. My house is a mess. My evidence assignment was skewered by the Prof. I'm exhausted. For a day "off" this is s**t.

My Choice

If I had to choose between fame and fortune, I'd choose fame. No hesitation. #AttentionHo

Friday, January 15, 2016

My Evening

Spent the last three hours listening to Big Band and writing 2400 words. Now watching an episode of Match Game before bed.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ugh. I feel awful

I woke up hacking about an hour ago and can't fall back asleep. Let it be known that thirty years from now there's no need to lie in my obituary about my "brave fight with [disease]". Just tell the truth: "Passed away after a sniveling, cowardly, 'Why me?' filled loss to [disease]". I DESPISE BEING SICK.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Applause, Applause

Applause please. I made it through my classes despite feeling like absolute poop. I know, it's just a cold, and I'm being a baby, but it's a nasty little virus - and far, far worse than the identical bug that hit Lisa a few days ago. ;)

YaY me

Applause please. I made it through my classes despite feeling like  absolute poop. I know, it's just a cold, and I'm being a baby, but it's a nasty little virus - and far, far worse than the identical bug that hit Lisa a few days ago. ;)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I Like:

I like archeology, astronomy, NKOTB, history, law, books, boxing, baseball, Dr Who, writing, Buddy Holly, politics, bicycling, sex, Nero Wolfe, the British Empire, movies, the Catholic Church, grunge, cruise ships, Ancient Rome, the Yankees, Big Band, and Team Slap. I am vulgar and obscene but never profane, I like being responsible for living things, and I enjoy being the center of attention. That pretty much sums me up.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


This morning I was awakened by the kids.

"Dad, someone's on the porch. I don't know who it is," LuLu said. 

I stumbled to the door bare chested to find two young women, each wearing professional attire and ID tags on lanyards around their necks.

"Just a minute," I said. I went and grabbed a t-shirt from my room.

"May I help you?" I asked a minute later.

"Hello sir. First, I'd like to thank you for putting on a shirt . . ."

"Oh, no problem . . .[cartoon double take]. Hey!!" 

"I meant, um, just, uh, no need for the "gun show", ya know?

Uh-huh. Grrrrrrr.

Btw They were from a charity, collecting donations.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Elite Eight

Books, history, movies, reality TV, pop music, dining out, God and family . . . my Elite Eight

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Time to Grow some Facial Hair

I've been without facial hair for a month or more, but I think that's about to come to an end. I've got a days worth of stubble now, and I'm too lazy to shave.

I'm so used to your facial hair, I kind of like it on you. But not on my spouse. LOL - Grandma J

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Some artwork of mine from the '70's

Here's some artwork of mine, dated 1979, age 5. My kids do better work. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

An all time favorite pic - circa '91 or '92

Those are my cousins Elliot and Mindy in my arms. The picture was taken in a hotel in West Bend, or at least I think that's where it was, when my Uncle and Aunt had my family stay overnight to watch the lil' ones while they attended a wedding. 

It was my first hotel stay ever, and my last until '95.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Me - circa the end of the Carter era

This was taken in 1980 when I was 6 1/2 years old. It was inscribed to "Big Busha", aka my paternal Grandmother. My Mom (it's her handwriting) screwed up my age on the back of the pick, first writing "5 1/2" then correcting it in pen :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yes Indeed

Elizabeth Olsen is threatening to break into my List Of Five . . .

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Found it!

A few months ago I cut myself shaving before Job Part Time and bled out for the customers for at least an hour. Icky eww. Since then I have engaged in a non-stop search for a Styptic pencil ,the white chalky pencils that, when applied to a razor cut, will make you screech in agony but also cauterize the wound. Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Pic N’ Save, Target, all came up empty. And then, while in line at the local Piggaly Wiggaly (Shop the Pig!), there it was, right next to the Skittles and Snickers in the checkout line! You betcha I scooped one up, and have since added it to my growing and ever-present grooming kit.

Friday, September 7, 2012

I'm Disgusted

I am thoroughly disgusted with having to work as much as I do. I know there are folks here on FB who work more hours and others that seem to get all happy-wappy by working two jobs, but honey, that ain't me. Last weekend I worked 29 out of 48 hours and have pulled several 12 or 13 hour days since then for no appreciable financial gain. Something has to change.