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Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2021

 There is a private school near me punishing kids who stay virtual by not allowing them to attend prom or graduation amongst other things. Yikes! - Lisa

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

First Day of School 2020

In our experience, virtual learning in the time of Covid was a mess, and of limited value. So when my 15 year old son asked to leave his beloved high school if it meant he could go in person elsewhere, we listened. Today the two youngest started at a suburban school. My eighth grader is bitter A.H. at the move and convinced we are trying to kill her with Covid, but that's not our ONLY reason ;) Have a great year guys!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Another Disappointment Due to Covid

LuLu was a contender for a surgical internship this summer. She did a lot of work towards this and it was looking very promising. It has just been cancelled, understandably. Just wanted to share because I know many families are missing out on things right now, and I wanted you to know you are not alone. Disappointments are a part of life and right now those disappointments are plentiful. Stay well. - Lisa

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

LuLu takes the ACT

LuLu took the ACT today. Lots of preparation went into it, proud of her. College will be here quick. Bracing myself - Lisa

Sunday, February 16, 2020

My college schedule from Fall of 1993

My memories of that semester? The meteorology professor was boring as heck but I think I still stayed awake long enough to earn a B. I enjoyed economics, but don't remember the English history class at all. Ross paraded around his WWII class like a drill instructor and talked so much I dont think we made it past D-Day; I'm still wondering who won the war. But it was enjoyable, and certainly detailed.

And guitar? Carrying around a guitar on campus looked cool but holy moley that was a pain. I remember getting really angry at someone that mocked my beat up, paper thin case. That was another B or B+ class, because I wouldn't sing to accompany my playing during the final exam.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Wrong Choice

This morning Junie lost an election for student council. Obviously the best candidate didn't win, and may the constituency suffer for their imbecilic choice.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Ms. Heidi

Smiley considers this lovely lady his most important teacher. Smiley has speech apraxia, and Heidi Reid was crucial in his speech development. We finally hooked up on Facebook to insure a connection after our youngest leaves Humboldt Park school. Happy to have her in our fb circle - Lisa

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

A professor just wrote and offered me a research assistant position. I don't know what the job entails, but I know this - that's the last credit I need to graduate from this place.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The First Day of (High School) School Year

Today my #Centerpieces went back to school, Lulu as a junior, Smiley as a freshman. #ProudParents #MuchLove

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Propaganda on Campus

I just sat through a seminar in which Obama was praised for "speaking out" ("Great to see him again!"), Cory Booker was lauded for his courage (nevermind that he lied about it all, as CNN and MSNBC even went after him), Kaepernick was hailed as a "great quarterback, one of the best in the NFL" who is "full of courage", cops "routinely shoot black men for no reason", and true Americans were those, like the professor, who protested the Vietnam war. 

I did speak up again, knocking down his Booker speech, and another student ripped his diagram of the political spectrum, correctly calling for fascism and authoritarianism to be placed where it belongs - on the far left. So there's some hope that the system hasn't completely Sheepled the generations that followed me. But all in all, college hasn't changed much since the '90's

the potential exists that it was an effort to foster thought and debate and no agenda was intended. I just think, given my experience, that that isn't the case.

Just by coincidence, as I sat typing my last post here on the porch, Smiley came to talk to me about his day at school - where the subject of one class had been a discussion about letting non-citizens (aka illegals and legal residents) vote. Although I never talk politics with the kids unless they ask, Smiley shot down the idea, and later defended the electoral college. Good for him - and boo for the school.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First Day of School Pics!

The new,  reduced version of #TeamSlap headed off to school with less than enthusiasm, but when I walked them it was the quickest hike ever - 9 minutes from home to school.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Dinner at Fox & Hounds to End the Summer

While the two oldest and I started school weeks ago, the youngest two start tomorrow. That makes today the final day of Summer 2017, and we wanted to make it special. We all dressed up, invited Grandma Jeannee, and made the beautiful 40 minute drive to Fox & Hounds restaurant near Holy Hill. The food was abundant, everyone was in good spirits, and the kids were on their best behavior in memory. I hope they remember this summer's finale forever.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The First Day of Classes

The first day of classes is done.  One of my classes is internet law,  where I spent 75 minutes listening to twenty-somethings bemoan the pre-internet age, as if civilization and relationships began with the web.  My ears nearly bled.

Monday, August 21, 2017


Tomorrow my classes resume.  As was the case in grade school,  high school,  college,  and now law school,  I detest being in a classroom.  But I go, and I'm reasonably good at it.  So,  this evening,  dinner on my deck,  and a final farewell to summer.

Monday, August 14, 2017


I had to stop at the high school to pay the year's fees, and while I was there a student vomited all over the floor of the office. I don't consider the matters related.

Friday, July 14, 2017

School Shopping

School supply shopping is done for the youngest three. It hurt our wallet, but at least it's done. #GoodJobMamaSlap