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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Propaganda on Campus

I just sat through a seminar in which Obama was praised for "speaking out" ("Great to see him again!"), Cory Booker was lauded for his courage (nevermind that he lied about it all, as CNN and MSNBC even went after him), Kaepernick was hailed as a "great quarterback, one of the best in the NFL" who is "full of courage", cops "routinely shoot black men for no reason", and true Americans were those, like the professor, who protested the Vietnam war. 

I did speak up again, knocking down his Booker speech, and another student ripped his diagram of the political spectrum, correctly calling for fascism and authoritarianism to be placed where it belongs - on the far left. So there's some hope that the system hasn't completely Sheepled the generations that followed me. But all in all, college hasn't changed much since the '90's

the potential exists that it was an effort to foster thought and debate and no agenda was intended. I just think, given my experience, that that isn't the case.

Just by coincidence, as I sat typing my last post here on the porch, Smiley came to talk to me about his day at school - where the subject of one class had been a discussion about letting non-citizens (aka illegals and legal residents) vote. Although I never talk politics with the kids unless they ask, Smiley shot down the idea, and later defended the electoral college. Good for him - and boo for the school.

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