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Monday, February 7, 2022

My Avatar (Lisa)

 So I tried hard on the avatar...still doesn't look much like me! - Lisa

Good Advice

 Man...this is good advice. Easier said than done but good advice! - Lisa

Will by Will Smith

The kind of book when you finish, you feel sad. I'll miss this one. It was a Christmas gift from Dan - -Lisa

Sunday, February 6, 2022

John Mueller's Winter Dance Party Tour

[John Mueller's] Winter dance party tour [a celebration of the life and music of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the Big Bopper] ...Dad and daughter date night ..looking good! Thanks Mom for some quick alterations and YaYa for the dress loan!

First pic by Sydney J

- Lisa


 I love you Milwaukee...seen near the Milwaukee Public Market. - Lisa

Saturday, February 5, 2022

It Makes You Think

A lot of artists preach about paying creatives-

But don’t want to pay other artists themselves.

- YaYa

Friday, February 4, 2022

Pet Peeve

FFS, it's "losing" not "loosing." Try to pay attention at least once during school,  m'kay

Thursday, February 3, 2022

RIP Buddy

63 years ago today, at roughly 12:55 AM CST, the plane carrying Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper, crashed in a cornfield in Clear Lake, Iowa, killing all 3 men and the pilot. What could have been . . .RIP.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Howard Hesseman


RIP Howard Hesseman, age 81. He played Johnny Fever on WKRP, and the teacher on Head of the Class.

Cincinnati is Super Bowl bound!


Whooohooo! Congratulations to Cincinnati on a historic victory! Welcome to the Super Bowl Joe Burrow!!!!

 Our Anniversary! - Lisa

Friday, January 28, 2022

75 Years Ago Today - The Blizzard of '47

Today marks 75 years since Milwaukee was buried under THE Blizzard - the epic Blizzard of '47: 18.1 inches of snow, which combined with 60 MPH winds that created ten foot high drifts of snow, effectively shutting this city down for two days. 

From @milwaukeemag: "As the sun rose on Thursday morning, Milwaukeeans made extraordinary efforts to help neighbors and strangers alike, despite the weather.
A dozen or more Milwaukee Ski Club members – men and women, some as young as teenagers – spread out over the city, responding to phone calls of sick or injured persons... At least three expectant mothers arrived at hospitals on sleds (and another eight mothers delivered babies at home, with doctors providing instructions to husbands over the phone). A pair of 14-year-old boys... found 34-year-old Gladys Friedland, partially paralyzed since birth, trapped in a streetcar at South 14th Street and National Avenue. She had been stuck for over 24 hours and needed to get back to her family home at North Third and West Clarke streets – some four miles away. Without hesitating, the boys carefully loaded her onto a sled and made the slow crawl towards her home. Two-and-a-half hours later, Friedland was reunited with her desperately worried family."

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Points to Ponder about David Ortiz the "Hall of Famer"- and I'm no Bonds Fan

#DavidOrtiz career OBP: .380.

#BarryBonds career OBP if you turned all 762 of his home runs into outs: .384.

Annnnnd this is why baseball journalists have no reason being the voting bloc of the HOF. i don't mind Ortiz getting in (ok, I do, a little) as much as I think it's BONKERS that he gets in while Clemens and Bonds sit out "because of steroids" when Ortiz was confirmed to have tested positive!!!! At least the shunning of Arod is ethically consistent, if a bag of horses$$t.

A Valentine's Day Special!


Valentine's Day is almost here! katophotoo and I have decided to team up to provide you with high quality, creative images to celebrate!
Book a sweet portrait session with us on February 6th, 2022- and receive 20 images!
* 2 subjects
* 45 minutes
* Indoor studio session
* Creative backdrops
* Refreshments
Book soon! Limited spots available.

 MATC is hiring a CSR for $22-28 an hour ...I think it's part time tho...if anyone's interested - Lisa


 Lol...and again today!? The nerve .. - Lisa

Congrats Junie!


Junie on three 5th place and one 1st place awards at her first ever forensics competition performing her self penned story "My Pink Shirt" Proud of you kiddo!! The stress leading up to it's recording literally led me to drink but it was worth it lol I love you! - Lisa

I'm not sure how businesses stay open while using fed ex for their shipping needs. By far the slowest in the industry! - Lisa