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Thursday, May 23, 2024


I wanted to go see the 65th anniversary showing of  Hitchcock's North by Northwest, but YaYa cancelled on me so I wound up at her apartment instead, watching Unfrosted, Jerry Seinfeld's movie about the creation of the Pop-Tart. It was kinda like going out for steak and settling for a burger.

Good thing I like burgers. 

 I thought this movie was a hoot. Yes, it was silly. Yes, it was exaggerated immensely for comedic effect. Yes, it was fluff. 

So what? That's what it was intended to be, and mister, I laughed my ass off time and again. 

Heck, just look at Hugh Grant  - Hugh Grant! - dressed as Tony the Tiger, paying ironic homage to the horned guy from the Jan 6th riot. 

Oh, and a "birds aren't real" sign LOL

 I enjoyed it very much. 

For myself? On a personal enjoyment scale? I grade it an A

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