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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Some fave pics of YaYa from 2001

Here's the shot we used for the birth announcements/christening invites. I think I took this around Halloween. I remember watching the '01 Series, a horrible movie about the moon landing (The Dish?) and hearing Britney Spear's "Slave" that week.

Here's a bath from Nov 1st of 2001.

Here's some birth photos

And my absolute favorite pic of her. My only regret is that it was taken a little off-kilter, because I truly adore it. Taken on or around Nov 5th of 2001

Here's a pic from her Christening Day. Fr. Yaniak, who I euologized on this blog a few years ago came out of retirement to do the ceremony. He was so happy to do it.We were his last marriage ceremony and his last baptism. He commented to the family that it was his custom to say to the parent's 'same time next year' but that he doubted he'd have the chance. He was right. I still miss the guy.

YaYa in her Nana's arms, with Aunt Mabel in the background

and in her Godfather Tre's care


For those still protesting Lauren's earrings . .

Here's a pic of YaYa with her set a mere two months after birth, near Xmas of 2001.

Doesn't seem too upset, does she?

YaYa - Easter of 2002

I've now decided to add yet another burden to my world and dedicate part of this blog to occasionally recreating the 9 years with my wife/3 years with the kids prior to Slapinions founding.

I doubt it will come to much, but I'll make the occasional effort.

Here are some pics of YaYa circa Easter of 2002, when she was roughly six months old.

If I remember correctly (and Lisa, feel free to update in the comments if I'm wrong) these were taken at the Picture People at Mayfair. We strongly expressed our confidence in YaYa NOT peeing for the middle shot (which was sans diaper) but of course she went ahead and leaked up a storm!

You know, she looks a lot like Lauren . . .

What's this Blog's Reading Level?

Oh, excuse me - must use the AOL vocab of 'Journal' instead of blog, my mistake.

I found a link to this while surfing on Blog Explosion. I'm not very happy with the results, tho' to quote Hawthorne "Easy reading is hard writing"

                                        This Blog is at an Elementary School Reading Level.

Update: hmm, for whatever reason the link on the picture isn't working. Here's a URL to the site

Family Guy - How's that Novel you're working on?

I love this scene and laughed my a** off . . so true of so many 'writer's', myself included.


Stewie Griffin: How you uh, how you comin' on that novel you're working on? Huh? Got a a big, uh, big stack of papers there? Got a, got a nice litte story you're working on there? Your big novel you've been working on for three years? Huh? Got a, got a compelling protagonist? Yeah? Got a obstacle for him to overcome? Huh? Got a story brewing there? Working on, working on that for quite some time? Huh? Yeah, talking about that three years ago. Been working on that the whole time? Nice little narrative? Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? At the end your main character is richer from the experience? Yeah? Yeah? No, no, you deserve some time off.

Quote of the Day

I was at a school development committee meeting, and near the end of it we all began to chat for awhile. The subject of kid's names came up (one woman having named her son  Tamburlaine after a Christopher Marlowe play).

I mentioned that we had once considered the name "Lydia" for a daughter, and that it was a name we both liked to this day.

"Why didn't you go with it then?" one woman asked.

"Because of what they'd call her on the playground," I said. "It'd be Clymidia this, Clymidia that".

In retrospect, as Conan O'Brien would say in a mock Spinal tap accent "Innappropriate!", esp. at a Catholic school meeting.

'Least I wasn't the one to later repeat the Seinfeld "Dolores rhymes with . . " gag at the same meeting.


On Transformers and Fashion Designers

I was embarrased when I opened my Netflix envelope to find a copy of the Transformers movie. Not only was it a movie my wife would never sit and watch with me (and I was in a togethery mood) but it was bound to just plain SUCK. When the opening credits include the word "Hasbro" you know you're not going to be watching the next Schindler's List.

But boy was I wrong. It was a good movie, and for an action movie a VERY good one. This is especially true if you fast forward the ridiculous 'let's hide the 30 foot robots from Mom and Dad" scene that was included for comedy (despite the fact that at that very moment the fate of a planet was at stake).

I still say the Go-Bots were better toys, but once again the Transformers wins with a better plot.

Overall an A- . Well done.

* * * *

Project Runway Season 4 is now two weeks old - three if you count tonight's episode - and I already can't stand that obnoxious Christian

As far as episode two goes, you can't tell me that they cut Marion over Christian for pure design reasons. Christian is admittingly just 'better TV.

Elisa is pegged as a kooky-earth-chick, and rightfully so, but I like her personality and I really liked her week 2 design.

Carmen is soooo '80's . . and that tear-fest in week 2 . . Puh-leaze!

and speaking of crybabies Ricky needs to stop the tears, seriously.

Victorya is boring, win or not.

Chris is a household fave here. He seems like a nice guy, plus he's fat, which makes him a kindred spirit.

Jack . . not that there's anything wrong with it, but could he be more flaming?

Jillian: I can't remember a single thing she's created, honestly. Personally I find her physically unattractive and that awful dress she wore at the start of week 1 . .yuck!

Rami. Nice, sophisticated style BUT . he's already a decently successful designer. Shouldn't all these folks be amateurs of a sort? I mean, this ain't the Olympics, but still. .

Kevin So far his big contribution to the show is his claim to heterosexuality. Whoo-hoo. Congrats. Now design something we'll remember.

No real opinion of Kit

Steven is a fave of my wife's but I find his personality dreadfully boring.

Sweet P . .dumb name, too many tats, a bit long in the tooth to start out in the biz . . but all that aside she seems like a good designer and for 46, decently hot.

Simone was cut in week 1 (sucka!) and Marion in week two. I liked the guy, and so did Lisa.

And as always . . Tim Gunn rocks. Make it work people!

The Sad Truth about Bloggers

From todays Pearls Before Swine by Stephen Pastis.

Pearls Before Swine Nov 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Lauren News

Just a quick note on a monumental accomplisment:

Last night, Monday November 26th, Lauren slept through the night for the first time. Straight through from 10 pm until 7 am. Yay!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Battle of Algiers

It might sound odd, but I'm not a big believer in the whole "those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it" cliche.

Learn from your experiences, yes. Learn, adapt, succeed. I believe in all of that.

But one of the best things I learned in college - maybe the most important thing, other than the location of the campus pool hall - was that people are far too quick to wrongly equate situation 'A' with something that happened in the past.

In truth there are no two sets of circumstances that are exactly the same, and if you don't account for those differences you're going to wind up screwing up more than ever.

Most of the time its harmless: Grandpa Joe comparing an upcoming blizzard with 'The Big One of '53' and preparing throughout the night - right before the half-inch of snow arrives.

Sometimes it's far more dangerous. Politicians are obsessed with recalling the appeasement of Hitler at Munich and reacting with arms - sincerely, mind you - against any and all aggression. Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf - whether you view the wars as righteous or not the failures of Chamberlain echoed in the decision to go to war.

And sometimes it works the opposite way, with bad experiences forcing people to freeze to the spot. As Mark Twain once said:

“The cat, having sat upon a hot stove lid, will not sit upon a hot stove lid again. But he won't sit upon a cold stove lid, either.”
Where am I going with this? Nowhere really.
But the other night I saw a copy of The Battle of Algiers, the 1966 Italian film based on events of the 1954-1962 Algerian War of Independence against French rule. It's a classic - I remember reading about it in grade school - and I was pleased to finally see it.
As a film goes it's very good. Shot in black and white in a documentary style, it never fails to keep the viewers interest, even while lacking a central protagonist or anyone with whom to emotionally relate.
Back to my rant. In the Netflix commentary several members have chosen to compare the events of the film to our war in Iraq. Like 1984, which is consistently used as an allegory for everything and anything, the film, made in 1966 and showing events of a decade earlier, now stands as a shining example of our 'failure' in Iraq.
This isn't about politics or how you view Iraq, this is about a ludicrous psuedo-intellectual stance by folks looking to sound smart and score a point or two.
On a MOVIE site of all places.
I don't know anything about the Algerian War of Independence, other than it was bloody and long and another failure for the French.
But let's ignore 'actual' history and examine the film for what it is, effective propaganda that promotes the Algerian point of view, no doubt surfing the revolutionary tide of the 1960's. The French are oppressive and use torture to secure information. The civilians appear only at play, as if they haven't a care in the world, and their deaths are seldom addressed on screen. Meanwhile any Arab fatality is met with long, lingering shots of civilian dead.
You walk away thinking the rebels are the good guys, until you stop and think about it.
* The 'rebels' are often criminals, mere murderers recruited from prisons and indoctrinated to the cause
* The rebel movement is small in number but violent, intimidating the majority into submission.
* The rebels decide Muslim law is the only law and wage war against their own people first, banning alcohol and drugs, killing pimps and prostitutes, and encouraging gangs of children to beat homeless men nearly to death.
* The Battle for Algiers begins with the cold-blooded murder of countless policemen.
* The battle continues with the suicide bombings of cafes, clubs, and airports, all full of civilians.
* The rebels use the French respect for Muslim law - i.e. not touching a 'covered' woman - against them as a means of smuggling weapons.
* If memory serves, a mosque serves as a command center for some attacks.
* The rebels violate a surrender agreement and open fire
* The 'main' rebel is seen intentionally allowing a young boy to be killed when given the option of letting him escape
* Ironically the only three-dimensional character of moral substance is the French commander
So fine and dandy. If you want to serve that up and say "This is Iraq' be my guest, because I don't find any of the above something that condemns our men and women in uniform - to my eyes it condemns the insurgents.
 Now whether the historical French were in the wrong is another matter, one not addressed in the movie. In fact, I'm still not sure what the problem was that NECCESSITATED the Algerian war (in the movie).
But what I do know is that, as usual, situation A is not the same as situation B. We arent' a colonial power, there isn't 130 years of resentment against us there, we don't have hundreds of thousands of civillians living in Iraq full time, etc. etc.
Protest the war to your heart's content. It's your right.
But compare apples to apples, and don't argue it on Netflix.