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Friday, June 6, 2008

On nothing in particular

What an odd city.

This afternoon tornado sirens were going off, fierce winds attacked everything in sight, the sky blanketed the land with darkness, and rain fell in sheets.

A few hours later it was in the 80's (F) and bright and sunny, without so much as a gust of wind.


Anyhow I took Lu and Lump outside to play in the front yard for a few minutes. All was well and then, like flipping a switch, Lu started wigging out when her flip-flop fell off her foot..

"Pick up my shoe! Pick it up now! Arrrrgggghhhh! Pick it up now Daddy! I hate you! Pick up my shoe!"

Booyah, off to bed with some words between the front door and her bedroom. The worst part? It took place in full view of the folks we believe called us in as a daycare. In my valiant attempt to continue civil relations I jokingly asked him if these fits would end by the time the girls were twelve. 'Give me some hope,' I said. He laughed and said they would, then he went inside to poke a pin in my voodoo doll.

That last parts just supposition tho'.

Work continues to be a subject verbotten here, but I will say that this morning I attended the inaugural meeting of a steering committee for our business district. With a 1.5 million dollar (starting) budget we have a lot of decisions to make, and the state DOT (Department of Transportation) says that the physical changes they'll implement on our behalf will stand for a quarter century or more. It's a legitimate way for me to leave a mark on the city, even if I wind up selling apples on the street corner when the new owner says 'see ya!'.

I always go into those meetings feeling insecure. I sit down with politicians and business owners and I think "What the hell am I doing here? I'm just the dorky kid from high school, the kid who'd nearly have a panic attack when you went around the room introducing yourself on the first day of class. Now it's 16 years later and I'm sitting here with the cool kids - oh crap!"

And then it starts and at some point I say something, or object to something, and a roomful of people nod and run with my idea. And no matter how many times that happens, or how many times folks ask me to join these committees, I always let out an inner 'yee haw', as if I've managed to pull the wool over their eyes one more time.

Man, I've got some 'core' issues.

* * * *

Today of course is the 64th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy. To all the living survivors of that event, thank you.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Flakes - A review

My sister is chomping at the bit for me to post about her son's graduation, but I can't figure out how to upload the video of him speaking at the ceremony so she'll just have to wait.

Flakes is a fun little film by the director of Heathers. Zooey Deschanel stars as  a struggling artist who is in love with the manager of a local cereal bar, a place where folks go to buy a single bowl of obscure breakfast cereals in the morning.

Her boyfriend is essentially Dante from Clerks. He's employed beneath his ability and potential but content, even if he argues otherwise. Unlike Dante he has a girlfriend who is happy to push the issue and urge him to do more in life. This leads to friction between the two, and in response she takes a job with the rival cereal shop across the street and hi jinks ensue.

It's a cute little film, quirky and happy, with a genuine and sweet love shared between the two main characters. If there is a flaw worth mentioning it's that the end is a little Disney-esque. I don't mean it's sugary sweet; rather the third act seems to come out of nowhere to end the conflict, in direct opposition to the gradual and well crafted lead-up throughout the movie.

78 out of 100 or 3 out of 4; take your pick. (with a slight reduction in the scoring if you happen to be too old to laugh at a female lead who's name, in a movie completely devoid of sex is Ms. Pussy Katz.)

LuLu's Birthday, pt 2


What? You thought one party was enough?

Nope, we had the family event tonight at the house.


Present were my father and the oldest of my two sisters, my mother-in-law and Lisa's step-dad, my wife's Aunt, and the six of us.

Again, it was on to presents. This was from Lisa's Aunt:

From my family Hannah Montana sheets, a chalk rake, and a Hannah Montana guitar

Lisa's Mom gave Lu a fun gift. Packed inside a box inside a bag inside wrapping paper inside more bags was a wooden box with ten brand new John Quincy Adams dollar coins. She got a kick out of unwrapping it all.

It was a casual but enjoyable party. Towards the end disaster struck. LuLu got upset with her brother and tossed down the ear microphone for the Hannah Montana guitar. It promptly broke off, but it shouldn't have. I doubt a glass would have broken with the same four inch fall in the laundry room. I scolded her even so for her ridiculous tantrum, but tried and failed to exchange it with her at Target - dang their firm gift receipt policies!

Surprisingly, she offered no screaming or crying fit when Target sent us on our way, which was unexpected but appreciated.

So, my girl is 5 years old. Yikes. Time sure does fly.

Love you Lu!

Happy 5th Birthday LuLu!


Just about the time I'm writing this, at 9:59 pm on June 4th, 2003, my LuLu was born. At 9 pounds 5 oz she was the biggest of my kids at birth but the easiest and most peaceful of all the births.

This past Saturday we held a party for her and her friends in the Princess-themed  room of a local hotel.

Because it was supposed to be a girls-only party and I'd succeeded in dumping the two little one's off at Grandma's, I was looking forward to an ill-deserved night alone at home. Alas, Lisa's Mom aka the scheduled helper, hurt her ankle and so I was pressed into duty.

At first - well, throughout the party - the girls were fascinated with the carriage in the room.

But eventually we split them up for activities. One group did 'pin the crown on the Princess'

and YaYa led another in playing the 'Pretty Pretty Princess' board game. I would later take over leading the game and everyone had fun.

Then we sat down to make our own Princess wands.


Then it was time to sing happy birthdayand enjoy the cupcakes.

And then - presents!

We bought LuLue a purse, pants, a book, a Hannah Montana t-shirt

We also bought a horse set, complete with pony, both of whom actually eat the food that comes with them,  and changing clothes for them both. Originally $30 at Target, Lis picked it up for just over $7 on clearance.

YaYa got her a little teddy bear  wearing a Happy Birthday hat and some glitter socks, all in a purse-like carrier. LuLu really seemed to like it.

There were many other presents, many of which I won't list here. Rest assured, she loved them all.

After that, as the party wound down, each girl took a photograph with Belle.

Everyone went home with a purse Lisa had personalized.

The girls were pretty tired.

But after all the classmates left phase 2 began. My girls, their two cousins, and Chris' kids stayed the night with Lisa.

I stuck around while they went swimming. Initially I kept YaYa out of the pool because she'd been very naughty, just over the top jealous of her sister. After making her sit with me and watch the others swim for 10 or 15 mintues I let her in the water.

[she impressed me at the pool: From a standing position she can lauch herself forward and complete a full front somersault before hitting the water. Where the heck did she learn that?]

I went out and bought dinner (Pizza Pizza! aka Little Ceasars at Lu's request) and an ice cream cake.

After that I returned homeand Lis slugged it out solo for the rest of the night.

I think it was a great party, and I think the girls thought so too.

Happy Birthday LuLu!