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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Flakes - A review

My sister is chomping at the bit for me to post about her son's graduation, but I can't figure out how to upload the video of him speaking at the ceremony so she'll just have to wait.

Flakes is a fun little film by the director of Heathers. Zooey Deschanel stars as  a struggling artist who is in love with the manager of a local cereal bar, a place where folks go to buy a single bowl of obscure breakfast cereals in the morning.

Her boyfriend is essentially Dante from Clerks. He's employed beneath his ability and potential but content, even if he argues otherwise. Unlike Dante he has a girlfriend who is happy to push the issue and urge him to do more in life. This leads to friction between the two, and in response she takes a job with the rival cereal shop across the street and hi jinks ensue.

It's a cute little film, quirky and happy, with a genuine and sweet love shared between the two main characters. If there is a flaw worth mentioning it's that the end is a little Disney-esque. I don't mean it's sugary sweet; rather the third act seems to come out of nowhere to end the conflict, in direct opposition to the gradual and well crafted lead-up throughout the movie.

78 out of 100 or 3 out of 4; take your pick. (with a slight reduction in the scoring if you happen to be too old to laugh at a female lead who's name, in a movie completely devoid of sex is Ms. Pussy Katz.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't even heard of this movie...but I'm really curious to know what the 'obscure' breakfast cereals are.

have a good one~