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Friday, June 20, 2008

A conversation with Socialist - warning: Politics ahead!

Our home phone is working again. It was out of whack for nearly two weeks and then out of the blue it rang and scared the bejeesus out of Lisa. God only knows what cleared up along the line.

BTW, If I claimed to have missed it let me apologize, because that's a crock: I resent having the thing in working order again, although I do appreciate the safety of having it around.

* * *

I wasn't going to put this online, just because I have ZERO interest in igniting a political debate right now, but what the heck: I think it reads well.

This was written near the start of the month and is a pretty accurate transcript of a conversation between me and Socialist the day I went to Home Depot with Smiley.

Socialist: "Are you going to shed a tear?"

Me (Confused). "Uh, wasn't going to, no."

"Really?? I thought you'd mist up over Ms's speech."

"It'd help if I knew what the F* you were talking about"

"Hillary! She's going to concede in a few minutes. I figured you and the rest of your Republican brethren would mourn her failure. I know you were hoping she'd be there in November."

"Ahh. Because I quake before the mighty Obama. Yeah, uh, no. I think he's plenty vulnerable."

Laughs. "Yeah, because when people see Obama and McCain on the same stage they're going to say 'hey, let's vote for the old white guy'"

"As opposed to all the little old ladies who'll say 'let's vote for the Black guy'?"

"Typical Republican B.S. man."

"Uh huh. Two words: West Virginia."

"F West Virginia. I don't want those hicks in my party anyway."

"Nice. I just came over to let Smiley pee man, I really don't want to get into this."


"Ok, even if  there are only a [air quotes] 'handful' of people who won't vote for him because he's black there are plenty who won't vote for him because he's inexperienced, or who won't vote for him because he hangs out with hate mongers [at which time I put up a hand to stop Socialist from interrupting] and s**tloads of crazy old vets who'll vote for McCain because it's Vietnam's last chance to produce a President"

"You're full of cra*.  And this gleeful hand rubbing about all the Democrats who scream [impressive old woman voice]  'I'm going to vote for that McCain now!" because Hilliary's out, well they're full of it too. The number of people who will jump ship is so miniscule it won't even matter."

"My parents and sisters are voting McCain, and they're as Demmy as Dems get. That Vietnam thing hits a chord with some people."

"And I don't want them in my party. Anyone who crosses the line and votes for McCain should hit the f*ing road from now until hell freezes over."

"Nice. Very inclusive."

"I'm sorry man, nothing makes me more intolerant than intolerance."

* * *

One last note and then I'll shut up: regardless of your political stance, you have to wonder if AOL's headline makers get a paycheck from the DNC. There have been more slanted, misleading and biased headlines favoring Obama and/or slamming McCain then I ever saw in '00 or '04. I mention this because in some cases the content of the article itself is neutral or implies the opposite of the AOL headline. Yikes. At least pretend to be unbiased guys, you are getting paid to post the stuff.That makes you a professional. Act like it.

That's all. Enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

LOL...Don't tell your wife but, I love you.

Anonymous said...

Oh!  This was fun.  Reminds me of a recent conversation overheard at the coffee shop just down the street.  

It's difficult to stay under the radar, but I'm trying.  ;)

Anonymous said...

It's like this: if it wouldn't put so many people out of work, I'd go for the Libertarians. Read Cecelia Holland's *Floating Worlds* for a good take on what she lables Anarchy, but reads like Libertarianism. Oh, well, another 4 years and we get another shot at getting it right.
;^) Jan the Gryphon

Anonymous said...

I won't say much, but I WILL say that Socialist's final quote is nothing short of brilliant!


Anonymous said...

Should be quite a ride to November :o)

Anonymous said...

I kind of liked McCain till he sold out and got on his knees to Karl Rove. Then again, as this article suggests, perhaps I never knew him. I'm sure Obama is no saint either.
