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Monday, March 22, 2010

 Ok, I know some of us disagree but 900 BILLION to cover 30 MILLION, doesn't that math bother more people then just me? Can I just have my "share" in cash please? lol.... Lisa

 Wife and kids are asleep, school clothes are in the dryer, house is a mess, got a aches where there shouldn't be aches, dreading the week to come. Gonna go put on the new Star Trek movie before bed and hope I can temp. break my FB addiction.

I have several friends on the Left, many of whom are understandably giddy @ Sunday night's travesty. One of the funnier exchanges (well, the ONLY funny one) btwn us was the following. "Thank you Government!" read the status update. To which I replied : Is this the Jeopardy answer to "What are three words Dan will never say in his life?"

Facebook Feb 24th -

Feb 24th: This weeks episode told u everything you need to know about Lost: It's all about Jack. Past, present(s), and future - the island, and the show, is all about Jack Shephard.

- That said, it's theory time! The web seems to be populated with dinkleberries who haven't thought anything through. I disagree w/ almost all published theories about last nights episode.

For starters, the appendectomy scar that Jack doesn't remember seems (to me) to be proof that this ISN'T a flash-sideways. Jack is Jack, and somewhere down the ... See Moreroad he is succeeds in ?? and resumes a normal life, as do the rest of Flight
815. We are watching what could/will be the present of 2004 IF Jack triumphs.

- to clarify: while life has 'reset' in the new 204, the characters are unaware of their time on the island.

Life is better w/out the island. Locke has found peace, Hurley is lucky, and Jack has overcome the damage wrought by his father and forged a bond with his once estranged son. (That scene outside the conservatory brought tears to my eyes, btw... See More.)

So life sans island is a reward, a not-perfect world where the characters are willing and able to struggle past and overcome the issues that torment them.

- I now believe more than ever that Jacob is good and neoLocke evil. Newest evidence: Claire going nutso and axing a man to death under the tutelage and lies of NeoLocke.

- Note that Jacob, even tho' he appears to have been 'defeated', seems to know what will happen before it does.

He knows, for instance, that NeoLocke will shortly gain access to the temple before the possiblity even arises, and moves Jack and Hurley clear of danger.

He is the Destiny aspect of the show, whereas neoLocke must force and lie and manipulate hsi way to uncertain and mixed results. ... See More

That Jacob favors and sees tied to Jack is curious. Iit was always Locke that believed in destiny and Jack that was for choice and free will, and yet both men have been clearly used in the service of the opposing philosophy.

* Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, secretly converted to Christianity in 1996 and soon began a decade of feeding Hamas info to Israel, aborting many suicide bombings in the process - some by physically intervening. "So many people owe him their life and don't even know it," [an Israeli official] said.

* Yikes: SeaWorld trainer killed by killer whale

* Prequel to 'The Passion of the Christ' close to production!

* ‘Idol’ Winners: Not Just Fame but Big Bucks

* Lousy kids r arguing @ the table over whether or not YaYa is actually swallowing her grilled cheese or just 'faking', & about who can upchuck into their mouth w/out spitting it out. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Here's what non-breeders and the 'bred because it was expected' fail to comprehend: you can hate 17.5% of any given day with all ur heart & still not regret any of it. It'd be like hating pizza forever because 1 slice of one pie was crap.

- To clarify 'bred because it was expected' - I know a few people (no one reading this) who had kids for no apparent reason other than it was the step between 'marriage' and 'retirement'. Then they whine about the gig. No one begged ya to reproduce, as I recall. Quit yer belly-aching. ;)

 I met Jessica Simpson more than a decade ago, and I didn't come away a fan. Even so, forget what the critics are saying. Her new show "Jessica Simpson's The Price of Beauty" is entertaining, well-meaning, and might actually do some good in the world. It's worth watching.

 We're watching Dr. Phil on the DVR, and a woman came on and said she spent $1000 on OTC pregnancy tests last year. Say what?? Listen kookoo bird, hit up the damn dollar store already. I've got four kids and 3 of the 4 pregnancies were discovered via two for a buck Dollar Store contraptions. I'll send you some of our leftovers. Gadzooks people, why spend $15 on a piss stick?

Back from work and watching DWTS on the DVR, eager to see Kate Gosselin. The result? Not good. A sad performance lacking in both technical skill and stage presence. It was hard to watch. Plus, Kate was soooo much hotter w/ short hair, as most women are IMO. Dangit, I was hoping she was in it to win it.

 Beginning at 8 PM Friday (CST) and repeating twice in the four hours after that, NKOTB's Coming Home - the concert and backstage footage of their 2008/09 tour - will be playing on Palladia (channel 1267 in Milwaukee). And yes, Lisa, I've already set the DVR.

I was very moved by this past weekend's Gospel (John 8: 1-11). Not just for the lesson it taught, but for the Jesus it presented. He was able to cut to the heart of the matter in only a few short words; forgiving and compassionate (but w/out approving of the behavior), and so uber confident he came off like a 1st century Cool Hand Luke. This, THIS would be a man you would be proud to follow even in the here and now.

Junie says she "uvs" me

 The end of a Barney episode was just playing in the background - you know, the "I love you" song - and a chocolate-faced, excited Junie ran into the office, arms open, yelling "Da-dy, Da-dy". She gave me a hug, said "Uv oo" and ran back to the TV.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wife and kids are asleep, school clothes are in the dryer, house is a mess, got a aches where there shouldn't be aches, dreading the week to come. Gonna go put on the new Star Trek movie before bed and hope I can temp. break my FB addiction.

Perhaps, some Hyberbole. I hope.

 Lisa and I just watched the UFC's matchup of Vera vs. Jones. Not our normal viewing habits, but better to watch that shellacking than see our country destroyed at the hands of Obama/Pelosi.

Historians will mark this date as the beginning of the end. It may take 50 years, or 100, but it is now a certainty: America will be a shell of what it was/what it could have been. An obese, ever expanding Federal government; the rationing of our resources; the suppression of the constituency's demands. What a waste. What a pitiful waste.

 There are a lot of bennies to being happily married, Lord knows. But - if I was single that David Tennant poster that came w/ last month's Doctor Who Magazine wouldn't just be left to rot in our junk drawer. That's all I'm sayin'.

Cornell 87, Wisconsin 69. F**k.

Facebook: Feb 23rd

Feb 23rd: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.): "Men, when they're out of work, tend to become abusive . . . Women don't have jobs either, but women aren’t abusive, most of the time," he said." THIS is the chosen leader of the Senate Dems? Ru sure he's not a GOP mole? When he speaks its like an episode of Jackass meets Ca...ndid Camera. I'm thinking maybe he and his wife will have the chance to test his theory (incorrect) after November . .

[Mark] Concannon Leaves WITI This is dated info, although it's 'new' on the Journal's site. Either Tim Cuprisin broke the news on FB yest, or I read it on a media blog. Either way, good luck Mark - and ignore the snark in the comments. People protected by the anonymity of the web are, as a rule, suckassy.

* Former NBA star Jayson Williams gets five-year sentence in shooting People are bi**hing about how an NBA star 'got off easy', but the death was clearly accidental. Essentially, he's serving 5 years in prison for hindering the investigation. To me, when u can kill a man intentionally and skate after 15 years, 5 years seems a little steep for idiotically trying to cover up the 'hows' of an accident.

* Wisconsin closes milk-production gap with Calif. Good news WI. About time we started putting fear into those insolent, so-called "happy cows." Be afraid you bovine traitors - Daddy needs a new pair of leather pants.

* Lockerbie bomber Megrahi living in luxury villa six months after being at 'death's door' Remember, he was allegedly released because he had less than 3 months to live. Six months later, he's alive and kicking in a 'luxury villa'. There's no question in my mind that Libya's threats to cut oil contracts led the Brits to release him and disregard both the law and justice. Shame on everyone involved.

* 'My heart, my choice,' Williams says, defending decision for U.S. heart surgery Tsk Tsk. Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada) Premier Danny Williams went to the US recently for heart surgery. He "was aware his trip to the [US] for heart surgery . . . would spark outcry, but he concluded his personal health trumped any public fallout . ." Quote: "I did not sign away my right to get the best possibl...e health care for myself when I entered politics." endquote.

* Busy day. Topped off fluids on the car, took the kids to school & Lauren to playgroup, (Smiley's bus never showed) had my crucifix fixed, cleaned fish & turtle tanks & kitty litter in btwn writing. Now Park and I r making a turkey, stuffing (w/ walnuts), rolls & yams for our Tues Family Nt. Then a game & we'll end by reading from Anne Frank's diary. Not 'fun' per se, but they seem woefully ignorant of the Holocaust.

- Family nights have been a hit. They usually start out w/ a dinner I make while Lisa's at play practice (burritos and homemade cornbread the week before, wonderful boneless ribs the week before that), followed by an activity.

* Dinner was A1. Got the kids to eat yams by saying they were carrots. But L & the girls were late bcuz she left the lts on and needed a jump-start, so we xnay'd the game. I did read Anne Frank's 1st 2 entries to the girls. They liked her snarky & somewhat judgemental take on her classmates. Based on her bday gifts, theydecided she was much richer than us :) We'll try reading a few pgs each nt.

* I was going to go all in-depth on tonight's American Idol, but I think I can sum it up nicely: disappointing, boring, and almost enough to convince you the talk about this group being 'strong' is all smoke and mirrors. However, Katelyn and Crystal did well, Lily was @ least interesting, and Michelle was as good as Elle...n said. My picks to go home: Janell and Haeley (sp?).

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our Day

 In the dead of night I heard someone mucking around the house and got up to investigate. I found our 2 year old calmly watching TV. "Hi Daddy," she said. I said something less friendly in reply. Hours later YaYa repeated yesterday's tantrum, this time because I wouldn't give her YoGo's for breakfast. Not a good first third of the day.

 2nd third of the day: so-so. Smiley & I stood on an overpass and watched a train. Then my friend Tre came over, and we took his boy & Smiley/Junie for a walk & to the playground. While there news came that LuLu had yet to be found a full *half hour* after school let out; not in extended care, or play practice, or on the playground. She was found - safe & sound - at a Daisy meeting, but oh man the scenarios in my head!

Got kids? Come see St Thomas Aquinas Academy's show THE JUNGLE BOOK Friday March 26th at 7:00, Saturday 28th @ 7:00 and Sunday, but donations appreciated. Concessions available. - Lisa

 busy busy busy....catch up on dvr'd shows or the sink full of dishes? hmmmmm.....I bet those that know me will be able to figure out what I'm going to pick! 3 kids esleep only one to go, and she's the cranky one....ugh - Lisa

Facebook Feb 21st - 22nd

Feb 21st: I'm on Club Penguin cart surfing to earn coins for Grace's penguin. Ain't nobody can top me in the mines, N-O-B-O-D-Y. If you think different, step on up pardner. I'm the penguin in the purple gown and the long brown hair racking up the points. Bring your A game and prepare to recognize!

* The First World War (2003) This mini-series is showing on the Military Channel this month and I think it's superb. It's British, so it focuses a bit too much on their experience, but that's to be expected. @ least it makes an effort to inc the Eastern front & the Turks. A bit too heavy on the 'evil' Boche cliche early on, but overall it's balanced if rudimentary. Worth a look.

* Proof that advertising seeps into the brain: I took my two oldest to the grocery store to look for plain yogurt. No luck, but there was plenty of Activia. As soon as they saw it on the shelves both girls pointed and sang, in harmony, the Activia jingle.

Feb 22nd: Pediatricians call for a choke-proof hot dog Jeez-us. What's next? Scooping the crap out of their bum to avoid the risk of a hemorroids? Shaving their head so their hair won't get stuck in a whirlpool? Cut the hot dog lengthwise and problem solved. By the time my kids are my age we'll have ditched the eagle and made our national icon the pu**y.

* Koss sues American Express over Sachdeva purchases What crap. Koss hires a thief, is oblivious to how she's gouging them, American Express notifies them and stops the bleeding - and Koss turns around and sues them. Way to further America's decent into litigious Suckassyness.

* First Dick Cheney is hospitalized, now Bob Dole. It's a Vast Left Wing Conspiracy. I wish them both a speedy recovery

Archaeologist sees proof for Bible in ancient wall

* Dems, GOP: Summit will not break logjam on health Quoting the lead paragraph of the article: "Realistically, he's just hoping to win a big enough slice to silence the talk of a failing presidency." That's a far cry from the fawning MSM of '08.

* Archer's been renewed for a 2nd season! Hot Dog

* Chavez of Venezuela, Uribe of Colombia in shouting match - I'm w/ you Uribe. I'd swear at him too, if he was funding guerillas who cross the border and terrorize my citizens. Not that it matters to El Presidente KooKoo, but he's the reason I haven't visited a Citgo in close to four years.

* For our anniversary we were granted 2 1/2 hr w/out children, all in the middle of the day. Long enough to stop and buy some needed pet food, wait for a table at Olive Garden, and scarf down some food. I'm grateful 4 the break, but 4 the record: on my bday, if I don't find a babysitter, I'm locking the kids in the shed ...with a water bottle, a loaf of bread, and a harmonica. Ok, 2 bottles of water. Maybe 3. ;)

-all kidding aside, my folks and sister Kwatched the little ones for most of the afternoon, and while we had the older girls they did try to stay out of our way (and my mother-in-law kindly picked them up from school, saving us a trip).

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Good Day. A Bad Day.

A good day so far (knock on wood), but w/ an unexplainable current of anxiety right below the surface. As good as it's been, I think I'll be glad when today is done.


And the day(light) ends crappy, w/ YaYa having an epic fit outside. One so ghastly I threw her over my shoulder and carried her inside, where her theatrics continued. God Bless my Mom for teaching me to reign in my temper, because I was damn close to losing it tonight w/ YaYa.

Pink Snow Boots on a Sunny Spring Day

 Despite it being a lovely spring day, Junie is obsessed with wearing her pink snow boots around town, and Lisa's drawn a line in the sand.. "I'm serious, you're not going anywhere unless you put shoes on. There is NO SNOW. You look like a goof. You're making US look like goofs. Take them off. Now!" Good luck w/ that. I caved after 5 min yest.

 Gawd, American Idol was boring. I'm not a huge Stones fan to begin w/, but most of the 12 seemed bound & determined to make each song xtra slow and shi--y. Siobahn was the glaring and inspired exception, & the night belongs to her. Tim Urban should be voted off the show this wk.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


 Is anyone on FB going to take part in a fantasy baseball league? I'm looking to join a free but competitive league on one of the major sites and would welcome the company.

Not on My Watch

Just read an article about a 68 yr old in Ohio punching little kids in their heads w/ a closed fist (and a key sticking out) at walmart. Said he's been coming there since January to punch random kids because they don't fight back. Nice......dude better steer clear of this mama! - Lisa