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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A New Driver on the Road

 My nephew got his temps today, so I picked him up from the DMV, took him to St. Adalbert's cemetery and put him behind the wheel. By the time we left his driving was much smoother, and he learns fast. Congrats Jonah!

 I have proof that my parent's generation REALLY NEEDED SPELL CHECK in their everyday lives...... watching an old match game and one of the actors answers was, (and this is an exact spelling of what he had) FYRE STAY SHUN. WOW. - Lisa

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


 He who allows himself a rest will fade into oblivion - Vasari

 As usual, Junie was up at quarter to seven (AM) Only now, as we are on the verge of leaving for her weekly playgroup, has she fallen asleep for a nap. Which means I either wake her up and invite hell into my life, or disappoint Smiley, who gets off the school bus on Tuesdays yelling "Paygloop today?"

Dangnabbit. Smiley's at my elbow begging to go. Not gonna wake up Junie, I'm too tired to put up with her at the moment. As a sub for the playgroup I offered to take Smiley to the store later to replace some play-dough Junie ruined, but he just looked sad and said he didn't want anymore because Junie would just "woon it". Gotta find some way to rescue this day, I've wasted half of it already.

I've turned the day around (knock on wood) in the past four hours. Met up with my friend Tre & ran an errand with our kids, at long last had our van taken in for service, ironed out some bills, have a turkey & mashed potatoes cooking on the stove, and played w/ the kids outside. I even have a subject for a new article, which I hope to hammer out before the day is through. Yay Dan-Dan.


He who allows himself a rest will fade into oblivion - Vasari


American Idol pretty much sucked, didn't it? 3 things: Big Mike showed his dickiness by calling Miley "Hannah Montana"; Bowersox wasn't half as good as they gave her credit for, and I hope America keeps Tim Urban just to say FU to the judges. Going home: Urban or Paige.

 @ 2:30 I heard somebody mucking around downstairs & there was Junie, digging in the fridge. From that point until 4:45, she cried, screamed begged to go to the bathroom, & decided to 'read' in bed. Finally we erased nearly a decade of parenting rules and tossed her in bed w/ us, where she made a habit of shaking us awake whenever we nodded off. It was the worst night since, whew, probably since LuLu was a baby.

 I was undefriended, wow...I had no idea how bad that can feel....I don't think I'll ever defriend anyone. Well, unless you're like stalking me or something, lol. - Lisa

Monday, March 22, 2010

Not all republicans are racist or as my own brother so lovingly remarked "retarded", or rich, or any of the other adjectives thrown around. I've never made a broad statement about all democrats because I choose to judge people on an independent basis, too bad so many others don't offer my husband and I the same respect. -


 Play practice is going swimingly, anyone going to bring their kids to come see it? - Lisa

 Ok, I know some of us disagree but 900 BILLION to cover 30 MILLION, doesn't that math bother more people then just me? Can I just have my "share" in cash please? lol.... Lisa

 Wife and kids are asleep, school clothes are in the dryer, house is a mess, got a aches where there shouldn't be aches, dreading the week to come. Gonna go put on the new Star Trek movie before bed and hope I can temp. break my FB addiction.