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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Caught Inside and The Darkest Hour

We rented "Caught Inside", an Australian film about a group of surfers who set out to sea on an extended trip that slowly exposes the madness of one of their own. It seemed like a good movie, except for accents so thick they might as well have been speaking Klingon. Grade: B-
I also watched "The Darkest Hour", a cliche ridden alien invasion film. It was ok, but I'll forget about it in another day or so. Grade: C


For the first time since Saturday I'm back online, as I've finally ironed out the kinks I created when I moved my computer desk out of the office and into a new location. Expect a slew of posts of no significant value beyond the music of the angels you hear when you read whatever I write.

The Immortals

I watched "The Immortals" the other day. It was what I expected, a moderately well done but forgettable action flick. I will point out that the big ol' hero of the film accomplishes jack diddly doo diddly, so why he was considered a hero is beyond me. Grade: C+

RIP Dick Clark

Take Shelter

The best DVD I've seen in recent weeks: 'Take Shelter', a 2010 film about a man who is abruptly plagued by visions of an apocalyptic storm. Uncertain if he is slipping into the same madness that claimed his mother's freedom, he becomes obsessed with expanding the storm shelter in his backyard, even if it costs him his job, marriage, and standing in the community. It's a subtle, finely crafted movie that ratchets up the terror in slow increments, aided by a great performance by Michael Shannon. A great movie and I was (obviously) pleased to have rented it. Grade: A+

Saturday, April 14, 2012

100 years ago today

April 14th 1:42 PM: Baltic issues iceberg warning. Message given to Captain Smith who relays to J. Bruce Ismay 

 April 14th 5:30-7:30 PM: Temperature drops by nearly 10 degrees to around 33

April 14th 5:50 PM: Captain Smith makes the decision to alter Titanic’s course southwest.

 April 14th 6:00PM: Chief Officer Wilde is relieved by 2nd officer Lightoller on Titanic’s bridge 

 April 14th 7:30 PM Titanic intercepts 3 warning messages from Californian concerning large icebergs.

 April 14th 8:55 PM: Captain Smith returns to bridge from dinner party and mentions clear weather to Lightoller. 

 April 14th 9:20 PM: Captain Smith retires for the night. April 14th 10:00 PM: First Officer Murdoch relieves Lightoller on bridge. The current temperature is 32 degrees and conditions are clear

A belated congratulations to Alex Rodriguez on hitting his 630th career home run, putting him in 5th place all time. Here's looking forward to #763!!!

An Open Letter from Oftencold

 For group discussion:

Tonight, Dan is doing something we've all done in a fit of madness. That is, disassembling and moving his computer to another room.
Now, we all know that no matter how we lie to ourselves and say "this will just take an hour or so, and then things will be better," such a project always turns out drastically different. The cord is too short, the table won't fit, now the sun through the window reflects in the monitor, and so on.
I suspect, that before dawn, the kids are going to have to be told not to repeat some of the extra-special words, most of one short syllable, and all spoken with great zeal that they might hear Dad uttering as he completes this task.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Last time my Yankees started 0-3 was 1998. All they did that year was win 125 games and the World Series.

BTW, I'll have a column in Wed's Journal-Sentinel.

Poor Rabbit

 This bunny was found outside this morning, presumably the leftover dinner of a local fox.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

 Worked all day, then went alone with Lisa to Old Country Buffet, traditionally one of my least pleasurable places to eat. Surprisingly, the food was good and fresh (probably because they were so busy) and the crowd was friendly and polite (probably because there were many families in their Easter best). It was nice to get out w/ Lisa one-one-one for a change.

Meanwhile the kids enjoyed their Easter baskets, and as a big ticket treat (thx in lg. part to some Walmart YaYa's left over from Xmas) I got the kids an internet streaming device for their TV, so they can watch YouTube and Netflix upstairs and live us the heck alone.

 RIP Mike Wallace and Thomas Kincade, and congrats to Prince Fielder on his 1000th career hit today.

Friday, April 6, 2012

13 and 1/2 hr work day, but it went very quickly. Extremely tired tho'. BTW, received word from the JS that my latest column will run in next week's paper.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Work went quickly today. Wrote a column and sent it on in the JS. Lisa's making stuffed green peppers, and we are both looking forward to a drink later . . .

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Voting in the Primary

 We voted this morning, taking the home-sick-from-school Lulu with us. Lisa's ballot was inexplicably rejected by the machine, leaving the machine out of commission for a minute or so before she was handed a fresh ballot. Anyhow, I grabbed a sample ballot on the way out and per, tradition, took a pic of my choice for President. A few minutes later I saw LuLu erasing my choice.

What are you doing?" I asked. "Uh, doing it the *right* way," she said, promptly marking Obama's name. She also went through the ballot and marked every female name, up to and including Michelle Bachmann.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

DWTS was fun to watch - except the bit involving Kate, who makes me look like Gene Kelly. Geesh. She's LOUSY. Anyhow, I voted for Buzz Aldrin ,soley because he's a certified American hero and a good joe. That ticked off Lisa, who feels his lack of ability violates the the spirt of the show. Plus she thinks he pimps the moon too often; but hey, that's his schtick. What's he supposed to sell, the new season of Chuck?

 As I work 13 hours tomorrow (and it's a Friday in Lent anyhow) I spent part of my paycheck in advance by taking the family out to Applebee's after work. The waitress sucked, the kids portions were sized for toddlers, and the kids were so rightfully bored with the long wait. Still, a dinner out is a dinner out, and Lisa walked the kids to the restaurant while I was driving home from work. The sight of my family walking and chatting together was heartwarming.

 Listening to 'Johnny Cash at Folsum Prison' before work. Great album.

Sacre Blue by Christopher Moore

 Today I finished reading "Sacre Bleu" by Christopher Moore. Per the terms I agreed to when I was given the electronic ARC, I am not allowed to comment on or review the novel until after its publication date. That is bull, esp. since the book was good and deserves some word of mouth advertising. But, c'est la vie. I will say there is a great, almost throw-away line in the book. When his young son asks him to explain the word 'rape', a father asks him if he remembers how he explained that he and his wife "make love". When the son responds that he does, the father says "Well, rape is making hate." Well said.


Last night we watched "Melancholia". It was beautifully filmed (the scene of the horses galloping in the fog was breathtaking) but the movie itself was so suffocatingly depressing that we texted a depressed friend to avoid it at all costs, and Lisa was blue for much of today. I don't know how to rate it. It was . . . different.

In yet another switcharoo, the Waukesha Freeman wrote to say my column should run tomorrow (Friday). It will also run Saturday, as scheduled, in the Milwaukee Post. Please pick up a copy - and note that the Freeman website is behind a pay wall so you won't be able to view it online (for free, that is).