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Monday, April 14, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014



LuLu's Handiwork


Pacquiao v Bradley

I'm disgusted that Manny Pacquiao got a UD versus Tim Bradley. Yeah, I watched the fight,and I agree Pacquiao deserved the win on points, but he was throwing powderpuff shots and missing a ton. Bradley lost mainly because he let Manny win rounds on the benefit of the doubt. Let's not confuse this with a great performance, and the lopsided scorecards are, IMO, a joke. Plus Larry Merchant did the commentary, he of the ever present depressing cynicism, and that nearly ruined it from the start. Blech.

Why is it so hard to find a Confessional? LOL

Make it five churches. #TeamSlap went to St. Anthony's this morning for confession and waited in line for 30 minutes before the priest called an end to it and went to start Mass, leaving us high and dry. The main culprit was a pretty, very demure 14 or 15 year old girl who went into the booth with a notebook(!) and took fifteen minutes to confess. WTH - I wish I'd hung out with her in high school. Why is it so hard to find somewhere to confess?? Next up, the Basillica at 7:30AM tomorrow. is reporting that the U.N. Security Council will hold an emergency meeting tonight about the situation in the Ukraine

Saturday, April 12, 2014

I Remember - WCW Wrestling and the Von Erich's

I haven't watched pro wrestling since the late '80's, but the death of the Ultimate Warrior brought back memories of WCCW, the short lived Texas based wrestling organization I followed religiously. The Warrior was one of their wrestlers, as were the Von Erich's. Great memories
I tried taking #TeamSlap to confession today, hoping to go into Easter with a clean conscience. But not one, not two, but FOUR different churches had priests that failed to be there for the scheduled times. Now in fairness I was ten minutes late to one, and the last seems to have changed their reconciliation schedule and not updated their website, but geesh. Does anyone know of a south side weekday confession site?

Kurt Cobain - Gone 20 Years

 Ack, while I'm busy spewing out ten updates in a row . . . my apologies (no pun intended) to the late great Kurt Cobain. The 20th (!) anniversary of his death passed this week without my commenting. RIP sir, RIP.

Carl Zimmerman

RIP Carl Zimmermann, the iconic Milwaukee broadcaster, age 96.

The Troop by Nick Cutter

I've been trying to spend my breaks/lunch reading something other than textbooks, so with that in mind I polished off "The Troop" last night. It's a debut horror novel by Nick Cutter (although that's a polite fib - Cutter is a pseudonym for Canadian author Craig Davidson). A troop of boy scouts journey to an isolated, uninhabited island for a weekend camping trip, only to encounter a skeletal figure filled with a hunger that isn't . . . quite . . . natural. A good quick read, and I enjoyed it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

 RIP Peaches Geldof, the daughter of Bob Geldof, age 25

 Major League, one of the best baseball movies of all time, was released TWENTY FIVE years ago today.

A Walk with Junie

My walk with the youngest #Bookend today


 EW is reporting 'Captain America 3' has been confirmed for a May 2016 release, putting it up against 'Batman vs. Superman'

If you want to watch some great TV fire up HBO's True Detective. The scripts are dark but compelling, and the chemistry between Woody Harrelson and Mathew McConaughey is something to behold. I paused the finale a few times just to gulp and say "Oh sh--", and the final few minutes - well, IMO, if it was a feature film that scene alone would earn McConaughey another Oscar nod. Well done.

OTOH, if you want some awful TV, watch the OWN network's "Lindsay", a "docu-series" that follows Lindsay Lohan around New York two months after she exits rehab. I'm sure she meant it boost her career, but Oprah's people opt for blunt honesty (in the name of ratings, I'm sure), capturing every selfish,immature, spoiled moment of her life, which is just about every one of them. It's sad to watch, because even minus her addictions I think the woman has mental illness to overcome, and OWN gleefully exploits that to paint her as a lost cause. Awkward, painful, boring TV.

 RIP comedian John Pinette, age 50

Sunday, April 6, 2014

RIP Mickey Rooney

RIP Mickey Rooney, age 93. 

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

 Ready to watch Captain America 2 with LuLu - at South Shore Cinema


What did I think of Captain America: The Winter Soldier (with the caveat that I am predisposed against comic book movies from the get-go): I liked it. A lot. It's a solid movie that, with a few tweaks, would stand alone outside the Marvel universe, and bully for that. I don't understand the reflexive angst from the Right about the plot - is the audience SUPPOSED to value totalitarian control over freedom? Last time I checked, that wasn't a conservative value. Anyhow, the most important part was that Olivia loved it, Instagramming a selfie of us in our seats, cuddling up to me, and asking if I'd take her to see the third flick in the future. A nice way to spend the afternoon with one of my Centerpieces.

Saturday, April 5, 2014