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Monday, April 7, 2014

If you want to watch some great TV fire up HBO's True Detective. The scripts are dark but compelling, and the chemistry between Woody Harrelson and Mathew McConaughey is something to behold. I paused the finale a few times just to gulp and say "Oh sh--", and the final few minutes - well, IMO, if it was a feature film that scene alone would earn McConaughey another Oscar nod. Well done.

OTOH, if you want some awful TV, watch the OWN network's "Lindsay", a "docu-series" that follows Lindsay Lohan around New York two months after she exits rehab. I'm sure she meant it boost her career, but Oprah's people opt for blunt honesty (in the name of ratings, I'm sure), capturing every selfish,immature, spoiled moment of her life, which is just about every one of them. It's sad to watch, because even minus her addictions I think the woman has mental illness to overcome, and OWN gleefully exploits that to paint her as a lost cause. Awkward, painful, boring TV.

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