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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

With Lisa and the youngest two at Marquette School of Dentistry

Monday, May 26, 2014

Woods Cemetery

At Wood National Cemetery with the kids that didn't accompany us to the parade. Yes, I know it's Memorial Day, not Veteran's Day. We were merely paying our respects.

The Memorial Day Parade

Downtown on WI and Van Buren awaiting the Memorial Day parade. Front row seats in the shade no less...

Jump Rope

Smiley and I went to the park to skip rope. There are pics of me in action too but I'll spare you the horror.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pearl Jam is playing the Bradley Center on Lisa's birthday/my Dad's birthday (Oct 20th). A little too close to some big events to part easily with any $, but it sure would be nice

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


To quote someone online: If your political party doesn't include people who make you uncomfortable, it's probably not broad enough to win a general election.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A copyright issue? After 40 years?

A lawyer is claiming Led Zeppelin "stole" the intro for "Stairway to Heaven" from Spirit's 1968 song "Taurus." Nice of them to notice FORTY THREE YEARS later. Lame.

Monday, May 19, 2014

News from Asia

In Thailand the military has declared martial law which came as a bit of a surprise to the government they supposedly serve. SE Asia is a mess at the moment.

TV Night

Lamest #TheAmazingRace finale ever. No intellectual challenge, winners I can't stand, and runner-up's that got there by shady means. #fail 

 Watching #DWTS and gagging over Maks and Meryl. How's about letting her feet hit the ground and *dance* instead of just tossing her around? #sickoftheoverrated

Septic Pencils

Good eye Yaya

Happy Birthday Rubiks Cube!

Today is the 40th anniversary of the creation of Rubik's Cube. No, I never solved it. Well, I did once - by moving all the colored stickers around. Outside of that my biggest memory of it is wanting to buy it at a school fair as a Christmas gift for my sister Katie. It was $5, and I didn't have enough money.

Callum Smith

I just watched Callum Smith, a good looking young fighter from Liverpool, deliver a four - 4! - knocknown round against Tobias Webb. Each knockdown was from a single body shot, and by the fourth and final one there wasn't much left of Webb. Yowsers - what a great fight to watch (unless you're Tobias Webb).

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Earlier Today at the Park with Smiley and Junie

Jerry Vale

RIP crooner Jerry Vale, age 83

A Mixed Day

We had a very nice day overall. I went for a short walk with the kids, bought a nice patio umbrella for all of $2 from a rummage, played with the lil' ones at the park, then took the kids to the grocery store. When we got back I BBQ'd some hamburgers and corn on the cob, and as twilight descended we sat in the back yard with our friend listening to the trains in the distance. I remember thinking it would be a shame if #TeamSlap ever broke apart, and that I would miss moments like that . . . AND THEN Lu started in with Smiley, then it was the oldest two going at it, then I punished YaYa and Lisa scolded *me* saying I punished the victim not the aggressor, and I told her it'd be swell if she backed me up when I disciplined the kids,,then I noticed GusGus stroll down the alley, having escaped yet again, and I sent the kids to bed, so Smiley came down and screamed that "No one likes you Dad. NO ONE!", and Lisa had enough and decided to hit the sack at all of 8:40, and GusGus only now (at 11) decided to prance home, and I have yet to put dinner away...soooo . . . basically the whole neighborhood has confirmed, yet again, that we are a collection of dinkleberries. And now, because I am yacking here, so does FB.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lisa spent the day at J-Town (part of Junior Achievement) as the manager of a Chase Bank, helping make Lu's field trip a blast!