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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

This makes me Smile

Good to see these guys get along, regardless of their politics. 

Homicide Hunter

Watching a brand new "Homicide Hunter with Lt. Joe Kenda" #HomicideHunter.

An Important Quote

"Expect people to be better than they are; it helps them to become better. But don't be disappointed when they are not; it helps them to keep trying." - Merry Browne

The Giver and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Taking advantage of $5 Tuesdays at Marcus Theatres, I sent YaYa and her friend to see "The Giver" and PD and OJ to see "TMNT". All reported their respective movies were "awesome". Afterwards I treated the family and YaYa's friend to dinner at Denny's, courtesy of their "Kids eat Free" Tuesdays promotion : )

James Foley

CNN is confirming that it is American James Foley, a 1996 Marquette graduate, who was beheaded on the video released by ISIS. May he RIP. And Palestinian's have launched rockets into Israel (again), ending the truce that had been in place.


It's nearly the end of August and I still have to stop and think about whether it is 2013 or 2014.

Junie's Hearing

We've been saying for years that Junie had hearing problems,but on several occasions we were told it was fine, and that she just had an attention problem. 

Two months ago our concerns were validated. An ENT said she has 50% hearing loss in her right ear, 30% in the left. She was put on some medicine to decrease the fluid in her ear and for awhile it worked. Once during this time, at a restaurant that was moderately busy, she wigged out, saying the noise was just too much. To her, after 6+ years of muted sound, normal noise was overwhelming and chaotic. 

Anyhow, tomorrow she goes in for surgery to put tubes in her ears. No big deal (Smiley had them already) but she's a little upset. She says she doesn't want to hear better and that she's just fine the way she is, but that's just nerves. 

No real point or ending to this post, just rambling . . .

Monday, August 18, 2014


Is anyone going to Indian Summer Sept 6-7th? I hope to be there for an amateur boxing tournament. Maybe we can meet up and grab an Indian taco.

Not cool

A few months ago we switched pediatricians. We had no choice - our old one went to prison for insurance fraud. Such is life in the big city. 

I think it's time to switch again. 

YaYa had a 9:30 appt this morning. I called at 8:45 to ask if it was for her knee, an ailment that has passed and doesn't warrant another appointment. It turned out it was a vaccination appointment, and after verifying the time I told them I'd see them in half an hour. 

When we got there at 9:25 they said it was a 9 o'clock appt, that they'd billed her as a no show, and that we'd have to reschedule.

Hellz no. I told them about the call. "You record the calls, right? Go play it back."

This gum snapping Jersey Shore reject raises her palm to me and says "Sir, DO NOT be difficult with me."

Again, hellz no. 

After some discussion, she went in the back, became contrite, and said they'd "fit her in".

While we're sitting in the waiting room I overhear her and the other receptionist talking about how "big guys always try to bully" them.

I turned to GC. "Dude, was I out of line? Did I even raise my voice?"

She shook her head. "No, you didn't. And Mom would've went off"

Then the nurse comes out with some paperwork and says the whole appointment was an error, and that she's not due for a shot at all. 

This is the second time in the four months we've been patients that I've had an issue, and Lisa had one too. 

The heck with that.
Anna's wedding on Honey BooBoo was truly beautiful and almost brought tear to my eyes. Congratulations Anna and Michael! #HIGHSIX