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Monday, August 18, 2014

Not cool

A few months ago we switched pediatricians. We had no choice - our old one went to prison for insurance fraud. Such is life in the big city. 

I think it's time to switch again. 

YaYa had a 9:30 appt this morning. I called at 8:45 to ask if it was for her knee, an ailment that has passed and doesn't warrant another appointment. It turned out it was a vaccination appointment, and after verifying the time I told them I'd see them in half an hour. 

When we got there at 9:25 they said it was a 9 o'clock appt, that they'd billed her as a no show, and that we'd have to reschedule.

Hellz no. I told them about the call. "You record the calls, right? Go play it back."

This gum snapping Jersey Shore reject raises her palm to me and says "Sir, DO NOT be difficult with me."

Again, hellz no. 

After some discussion, she went in the back, became contrite, and said they'd "fit her in".

While we're sitting in the waiting room I overhear her and the other receptionist talking about how "big guys always try to bully" them.

I turned to GC. "Dude, was I out of line? Did I even raise my voice?"

She shook her head. "No, you didn't. And Mom would've went off"

Then the nurse comes out with some paperwork and says the whole appointment was an error, and that she's not due for a shot at all. 

This is the second time in the four months we've been patients that I've had an issue, and Lisa had one too. 

The heck with that.

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