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Friday, August 1, 2014

What a Different World It Would Have Been

 Wow. . .just wow. A newly released tape shows former President Bill Clinton in Australia giving a speech just *hours* before 9/11. In the speech he says he regretted not killing bin Laden when he had the chance, but since killing him risked the lives of 300 others where Osama was staying, Clinton nixed the strike.

 What a twilight zone thing to say just hours before the towers fell. 

(I'm saying it's a coincidence, NOT implying some conspiracy)

Clinton & company has always denied, to my recollection, ever even having the opportunity to take out bin Laden. Guess that was selective memory loss.

 Hindsight is 20/20, but it's hard to fathom the leader of the Free World not seeing that killing bin Laden, even at the risk of some innocent life, stood a good chance of saving the lives of many more innocents at a later date. 

In this case, some 2000 Americans on 9/11, thousands more of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the civilians killed in those conflicts.

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