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Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Walk with My Godson

Went to Tracy'ss house and took TJ for a walk with YaYa, Smiley, and Juine (or "girl" as TJ calls her)

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Dropping Supplies off at School

This is Lulu's classroom:

History Repeats Itself

Horrendous news from a former co-worker: the pool at Job Prior was the scene of a 12 year old's drowning Friday night. It's the same pool that was the scene of the drowning in '06 and it brings back a ton of bad memories. Condolences to the family.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Laura's Family Hair Care

-You know that great $5 haircut place on Greenfield in West Allis? They've opened another location in Milwaukee, at 2018 W Layton Ave. Same quality, same low price. "Laura's Family Hair Care" open M-Sat from 9-6. :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

An Update on my Dad

Just before ten last night I spoke to my Dad. His heartbeat is still slow, but they haven't determined a cause. Dad mentioned the collapse might have been because of his blood pressure meds, but I'm not sure if that's coming from the doctors or his own thoughts on the matter. Anyway, he was in good spirits and after they implant a heart monitor under his skin today, he may be sent home Thursday. :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Dad is in the Hospital

Yesterday (Monday) my father collapsed at work, striking his head hard enough to get stitches. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance and remains there tonight. Prayers and well wishes appreciated.

* * * 

No updates yet, other than his heartbeat is slow and he is on a heart monitor. No cause determined, and he will remain there another night.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Doctor Who - in theaters!

I took YaYa to see the season premiere of Doctor Who at Marcus Theatres Southshore tonight. 30 years ago I could never have imagined having a kid that loved Doctor Who as much as I do (well, almost as much; like most new generation Whovians she lacks an appreciation of the classic era), Nor, watching it on PBS on a b&W TV in the kitchen, could I ever have pictured it on the big screen! 

 Kudos to Steven Moffat on another great script. It was Peter Capaldi's first appearance, and I think he makes a grand Doctor. As for the mysterious woman at the end, the one masterminding events of the Clara era, I'm thinking either Romani (if she's good) or the Rani (if she's evil).

I like 4- that's classic. Jeesh. MATT IS BETTER -YaYa

One of the many Who related slides that played in lieu of trailers before tonight's show.

A Memory from Yaya (summer school)

omg my face xD
 not to mention i look horrible :c

That is Correct

Junie is playing catch in the house when her friend misses the ball. Scolds Junie: "Only play ball in the house if you can play ball".
Maybe I did better in my draft than I thought. Yahoo has awarded my team the "Best Draft" medal, given to "the team with the most projected season points based on weekly optimal starting lineups"