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Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I'm sure all my kids will remember from their morning today is me bellowing and raging. Nevermind the half hour of being sweet as sugar, going so far (today) as to bake them cookies. No, let's use that time to sit on our arse until there's ten minutes left to get to school, then talk about homework left undone, green clay "I told you I need for today!", the shoes you can't find (shocking, as you won't leave your chair to look for them), the garbage you 'took out' and left on the kitchen floor, etc. Then when i yell, oy, I'm the bad guy- but y'all moved, didn't ya? It took me one hour, one whole hour for my temple to stop throbbing. Enough.

Junie's First Reconciliation!

Monday December 15th was Junie's First Reconciliation (confession), an important sacrament and a pivotal step towards getting her First Communion next spring!

She was REALLY nervous beforehand - and I mean for days - and I overheard this brief (and shady!) conversation a few hours before the event: 

Junie: I don't know what to say. I'm scared. 

Smiley: It's no big deal. Just come up with three things you think sound bad. Like, "I lied to my parents," or "I stole Mom's cookie dough" . . . 

Junie: But I did steal Mom's cookie dough.

Smiley: That's good. Then it'll sound real. 

Having done this three times before, we knew we'd have a decent wait between the start of the prayer service and the actual confession, so Mom helped her with her homework during that time. 

Then, when it was her turn, we walked her into the confessional, introduced her to the Priest ("Your Dad and I go way back, Junie - he's one of the good ones") and then gladly took a picture with our diva in the hallway.

Then Junie lit a candle by the altar and placed it among those of the other students. 

After that we all said the Lord's Prayer and headed downstairs to the cafeteria for cake and punch, where a 5th grade student had written a card just for my gal. Junie was floored and genuinely thankful.


Here's her teacher, a veteran of three other Slap kids!

Then, as promised, we took Junie to Leon's Frozen Custard for a scoop of their tasty treat.

Congratulations Junie! Mom and Dad are super proud of you!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Wish I had a copy of this Painting

My New Hat

I tried out my new trapper hat - fresh from China by way of EBay - when I walked the kids home from school today.

A Quirk of Old Houses

Built into the wall behind our medicine cabinet is this rusty slot, used to dispose of dull razor blades. Since the safety razor first gained popularity around WWI, the wall behind the sink holds nearly a century of metal - each blade carrying the blood of the men of this house. My great-grandfather's is there, as is that of his sons, and my own. Within five or six years Smiley will be shaving and continue the chain.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Goal

My goal during winter break: learn shorthand. Yes, I know it's antiquated. No, I don't care. If someone on FB can help teach me, God bless and all the better.:)


"The unusual or the controversial event always makes 'news' over the expected or routine occurrences, even though the latter may be a more accurate picture of the true situation." - Richard Nixon

Note to Self

Note to self: Pages 158-161 of Nixon's "Six Crises" have a telling analysis of Eisenhower's mental processes and leadership style.

Fuzzy Thruston

RIP Fuzzy Thurston

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Kourtney and Khloe add to our Christmas

We saw this on "Kourtney and Khloe take the Hamptons" and it's on Lisa's wish list. Don't tell me the #Kardashians aren't good for our society and our economy :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Nice Gift I Think

Just dropped Junie off at her First Communion class, along with 24 nativity scene snow globes, enough to give one to every kid in the religious education program. We picked them up for a song (90% off!) before Disney and thought they'd be perfect for this occasion. :)

Dumb and Dumber To

Late last night, with the funeral and the exam behind us, I took Lisa to a movie to try and cheer her up. We chose "Dumb and Dumber To", hoping to get in some laughs, but it was a dud. I laughed only a half dozen times and Lisa was bored senseless. I offered to leave halfway in but Lisa demurred, then fell asleep in the chair next to me and started snoring so loudly I thought she was f'ing with me - which would have been the funniest scene in the movie. Epic fail of a date.

Mary Ann Mobley

A sincere RIP to Mary Ann Mobley, former Miss America, wife of Gary Collins, and distinguished Match Game alumni. :(

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I'm at Marquette awaiting my three hour Torts final, after starting the day with my father-in-law's funeral. Quite the day.

update: Torts is done. 2,676 words written on six total problem sets over three hours. I had time to re-read my work before I submitted it, and while I can't say it's full of the greatest legal arguments of all time, I sure do write purty.

The Funeral Luncheon

At the funeral luncheon for my father-in-law :(

Monday, December 8, 2014


Just got into work from my friend's father wake whose passing is eerily similar to my mother's passing.  Days after a Thanksgiving get together,  Packers playing on Monday night, realizing you are become the new adults of the family.

So, lost in my thoughts of what I went through those days 11 years ago and what Melissa Slapczynski and her family are going through I went into work 1 hour early, not realizing my normal start time of 9pm. 

My family's thoughts and prayers are with the Lisa and Team Slap


Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies

Junie read this 173 page book on our trip (note the water damage from the beach!). It took a little reverse psychology, ala "You'll never finish such a big kid book" but she got there in the end! Nice job kid :)


Remember the Americans who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor


The secret to how I survive on (typically) 5 hours of sleep a day. This is my consumption at work from just this weekend.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Great Philosophy

Wise words from one of my three favorite President's. I believe this too and I'm glad Ike agrees. :)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Great Moment!

I walked and met the kids on the way home from school. Smiley ran a whole block to give me a hug when he saw me. #BeatThat


I'm not going to lie and say I thought about my father- in-law on a daily basis over the years, but this morning I was driving home from work and thought of the perfect Christmas gift for him (a few dozen hours of classic boxing matches), then stopped myself and remembered he's gone.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Father in Law has Passed Away :(

This morning Lisa's father passed away unexpectedly at the age of 68. Lisa loved him very much and its been a long, hard day, with a lot more trials to come. RIP Dennis. You'll be missed.

Monday, December 1, 2014


Watching "Gravity" with Lisa. I like it, but Sandra Bullock's haircut is ruining the movie. No, really - it is. #stylecounts

update: The movie was good. Not great.