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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

Enjoying the Snow

Sledding at Sijan


The one and only Junie

A Matter of Justice by David A. Nichols

Book #1 of 2015. It was informative and well written, but I do feel that at times Nichols struggled to rationalize *some* of Ike's caution. But kudos to him for highlighting the role Eisenhower played overall in the Civil Rights movement - sending federal troops into a Southern State to enforce school integration? It's almost impossible, in the here and now, to realize how shocking and bold that choice was for the 1950's. 





Yeahhhh, so this just happened.

Kudos to Socialist and JJ, both of whom were willing to help us out with rides this morning. The tire is now replaced. The rim was also damaged and cracked from the flat, but Ray Tann Tires patched it. They won't guarantee it'll hold. But since the alternative is a new wheel, I'm happy. Ish.

Dear Dad - From Lisa


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Victory baby!

Was out at the grocery store with Lisa's step-mom when a stock boy broke the news of the Packers' win against the Cowboys. (It wasn't a catch Dez!!)

 I take full credit, as today I wore a Packers shirt for the first time in my adult life. 

You're welcome Wisconsin.

My mother-in-law paid Junie a buck to be quiet during the Packer game. "It was very hard, but I did it!" Junie proudly told me. LOL Classic!

LOL, she was so very good this weekend, but it was a Packer game...


I miss watching "Elimidate". Anyone else remember that dating show?

Saturday, January 10, 2015


This morning I was awakened by the kids.

"Dad, someone's on the porch. I don't know who it is," LuLu said. 

I stumbled to the door bare chested to find two young women, each wearing professional attire and ID tags on lanyards around their necks.

"Just a minute," I said. I went and grabbed a t-shirt from my room.

"May I help you?" I asked a minute later.

"Hello sir. First, I'd like to thank you for putting on a shirt . . ."

"Oh, no problem . . .[cartoon double take]. Hey!!" 

"I meant, um, just, uh, no need for the "gun show", ya know?

Uh-huh. Grrrrrrr.

Btw They were from a charity, collecting donations.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Another Snow Removal Job

In addition to clearing our sidewalk and Alys's, Smiley was also hired  to clear Tre's 's corner lot today. A busy, and lucrative, day for P-diddyWeeDiddy

Quote of the Day

As good a philosophy as any

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Now apparently my sleeping problems are negatively affecting my teeth. Me and an apnea mask have a date to meet this year and I hate the idea! Feeling like I have no choice anymore :( -Lisa