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Monday, February 23, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

 Twenty years ago, almost to the hour, I walked into a 24 hour diner and met a young waitress who left her number with the check. There is no clearer turning point in my life; it is THE dividing line. There was before, and there was after. After, by and large, has been a blessing and I thank you Lisa for scribbling your number on that napkin. I love you Sinatra.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Start of Lent

 This morning we kept the kids home from school long enough to attend Ash Wednesday Mass as a family.

I took #TeamSlap back to our church for an all-you can eat Ash Wednesday fish fry, which also featured yummy baked cod.
It cost an arm and a leg, but that's what I get for breeding so often and besides, I assume the money went to help the church.
Note that Princess YaYa seems annoyed and dismissive of the camera, because at least one of them needs to play that role at all times. Off camera however, they were all good.
The bottom pictures feature Junie playing a game called "Is it broken?". In the game either Lisa or one of the kids holds up a French fry and you have to guess if it's one long one or two pieces deviously masked by their sleight of hand.

Ash Wednesday

This morning we kept the kids home from school long enough to attend Ash Wednesday Mass as a family.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


According to the BBC, ISIS burned 45 people to death today in a town near an Iraqi air base where 400 US Marines are stationed.

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka

Actually, watching a YouTube reading of this in Legal Writing, as an example of how to craft a persuasive statement of facts. I read this to my nephew Jonah when he was an infant back in '94

 We're watching The Bachelor. It's hometown night. 

It's a Small World

Fat Tuesday 2015. Polish donuts from an Italian bakery in an American city.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Random Viewing

I am a big fan of Archer on FX, and I watched the premiere of the 12 Monkeys TV series.  I wasn't all that impressed by the pilot. Pretty standard fare with predictable twists and a lackluster lead. Maybe it'll improve, but I doubt I'll watch unless I stumble over it again.

 With 4/6th's of Team Slap at Landmark Restaurant 

Lesley Gore

 RIP "It's My Party" and "You Don't Own ME" singer Lesley Gore age 68, of lung cancer.


 Good on Egypt

Sunday, February 15, 2015

SNL Turns 40

 LOL at the 40th anniversary show #SNL40

"Le tits now" ROTFLMAO #SNL40

Betty White!!! #SNL40

Props to #KanyeWest on his visually stunning SNL performance. Cue the haters in three, two, one . . .#SNL40

Very moving tribute to those who have passed, with a great LOL at the end. Good to see them include more than just the folks in front of the camera too #SNL40

That's OK, right?

Me, to Lisa: "Is it okay if I let Junie eat her dinner in the bathtub, or is that too Floyd Mayweather?" #FloydMayweather

That Was a Doozy

Well now. That was the worst asthma attack in years.

My asthma was dormant for about twenty years before returning in 2013. The attacks are still infrequent and mild. This one was as bad as the last dozen combined.

How Could You Tell?

Thank you Captain Obvious


Mecca/Panther Arena

Pics of the interior of the ancient but beloved MECCA, er, USA Panther Arena.

The Milwaukee Wave game pt 2

Smiley and I had a blast at the Wave game yesterday, thanks to tickets from Grandma Jeanne that put us in the first row of section 206, four rows from the field. Neither one of us has an affinity for soccer but this was a hoot.

It was an exciting game, even if it ended in a 10-9 loss to Syracuse. Afterwards we got the chance to walk on the field and get autographs too.

Here's Smiley ussing the flashlight they handed out as you entered the arena

I Need to Learn to Bargain Better

 I just offered Junie five dollars to clean the basement bathroom, the one that YaYa has abused so badly with hair and makeup mess that no one uses it anymore.

"Five dollars??!! " she said incredulously.
" That's great money for a seven year old, " I said. "Who do you think you are, Shirley Temple?"
"I was just surprised. I would have done it for two. "

* * *

Meanwhile, I'm cleaning the main floor and listening to the great Artie Shaw.

Saturday, February 14, 2015