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Thursday, June 11, 2015

YaYa's 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony

The ceremony in the school auditorium. Kudos to LuLu for playing the trumpet with the band to open the event.

One of YaYa's Graduation Gifts!

Thanks to everyone who worked together to add to the super awesome charm bracelet! I love it 💕 -YaYa

A Family Pic at YaYa's Graduation

YaYa graduates from Grade School

Eleven years ago my YaYa set out for her first day of K3. Today that little girl graduates from 8th grade and moves on to high school.

These are pics from each of those monumental days.

Congratulations GC! We are proud of you!! xoxo


I Raised Them Wrong

I am ashamed that my oldest two children prefer Marvel to D.C. #JustWhenYouThoughtYouRaisedThemRight #Pfui

An Early Father's Day Gift

A wonderful early Father's Day gift from Smiley :)

A late bike ride with Junie

A late evening bike ride and walk with Junie.

Junie's Summer Birthday

As a summer birthday Junie was invited by her teacher to celebrate the event before the school year ends. Here are the cupcakes (1 of 36) Lisa made for her treat yesterday.

A Bittersweet Day

A twinge of sadness: the last time #TeamSlap will walk together to school. (6-11-2015)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Me, on Ice Skates

To my recollection I have ice skated three times in my life. The first time was at Mayfair Mall in first or second grade, when I briefly held hands on the ice with Lisa Mattice, which sadly remained my romantic highpoint of the 1980's. 

Fifteen years later Lisa and I went to the Pettit together one evening for a public skate. Third time might be the charm, but I wasn't planning on skating at Livvie's party last week until I saw one of the boys - who allegedly had never skated before - gliding across the ice.

Not to be outdone I strapped on some skates and hit the ice. I went around four times, and by the second lap I didn't use the boards. It was fun but not easy, but I'll do it again. 🙂

LuLu's 12th Birthday Party pt 3

LuLu's 12th Birthday Party pt 2

LuLu's 12th Birthday Party pt 1

This past weekend we held Lu's 12th birthday party at the Whitnall Park Ice Skating Rink.