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Monday, June 8, 2015

Me, on Ice Skates

To my recollection I have ice skated three times in my life. The first time was at Mayfair Mall in first or second grade, when I briefly held hands on the ice with Lisa Mattice, which sadly remained my romantic highpoint of the 1980's. 

Fifteen years later Lisa and I went to the Pettit together one evening for a public skate. Third time might be the charm, but I wasn't planning on skating at Livvie's party last week until I saw one of the boys - who allegedly had never skated before - gliding across the ice.

Not to be outdone I strapped on some skates and hit the ice. I went around four times, and by the second lap I didn't use the boards. It was fun but not easy, but I'll do it again. 🙂

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