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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

We're watching The Facts of Life

The episode where Natalie loses her virginity - at 21! - and the group treats it like a twelve year old made the announcement. Nearly 30 years later I still remembered that she used three kinds of birth control! lol

I said it thirty years ago, and I say it again today: Nancy McKeon is, was, and always will be, yummy.

Bus Strike

In case you missed it, Milwaukee County bus drivers have voted to begin striking Wednesday morning - coincidentally, in the middle of Summerfest.

Monday, June 29, 2015

An upcoming column

Fair warning: it appears a column I wrote, or part of it, will be appearing in the Green Sheet of this Thursday's Journal-Sentinel. I say part of one because I really don't know what they're running, as the email said it would probably be trimmed for space and appear as part of a package. So, for all I know a tweet sized chunk may see print. Whatever. Buy a paper anyway; consider it payment for all the entertainment I provide you here free of charge. :)

Well, how about that?

I saw a video on FB that said you could clear up your scratched and dim headlights with toothpaste. Well, it works.

$5 haircut. And I look mahvelous! - at Laura's Family Hair Care

Quotes of the Day

The following (tongue in cheek) exchange took place this morning:

Lisa: My Mom just cancelled. She doesn't want to go to lunch.

Dan: Now what am I supposed to do? My girlfriend is supposed to come over at two.

Lisa: Best be calling the skinny ho and telling her your wife will be home.

Dan: What makes you think she's skinny?

Lisa: You already have a big woman. Why would you step out for more of the same?

Dan: (shrugs) Maybe I wanted to try a big woman who knew what she was doing.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Jefferson Quote

Powerful words that echo down to the debates of today. 

Yes, Jefferson was a slave owner and a hypocrite, a man whose intellect demanded freedom for all while his greed and social standing kept others in chains. Such is human nature.

He was a political leader, not a Saint.

 But I think, if he had been removed from his specific moment in time, that he would have eventually married that intellectual ideal with practical reality.

That's the sign of a Great Man I guess: the ability to have even your sins serve as an example for the ages.

Watching a Fast and Furious Movie

AKA #4. I love this series!

Smiley - a pic his camp shared!

Here's a picture of Smiley his camp posted to their Smugmug account. He looks happy -- genuinely happy, not fake smile happy - and I'm glad. I've been debating about sending him an email (the camp provides a general dropbox) but I don't think I will. I got terribly homesick the one time I called home from camp, and I think it's best to let him stand on his own these two weeks. But I miss the little guy.

My hip

On a personal note, my hip (injured in an accident in January) has been flaring up all week. Tonight it feels like someone is sawing through it. Grand.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

This Day in History

Six years since MJ passed, 65 years since North Korea invaded the South, 20 years since Chief Justice Burger died, and 139 years since Little Bighorn. Pretty busy day in history.

This Day in History

Six years since MJ passed, 65 years since North Korea invaded the South, 20 years since Chief Justice Burger died, and 139 years since Little Bighorn. Pretty busy day in history.

Swim Class

Just back from my first swim class since the early '80's. I *can* swim, but not in a manner recognized by the rules of the sport or any god above. Today was testing on all manner of strokes, and apparently I'm very good at the breaststroke and tolerable at the rest. There's a lot of work

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

On the Confederate Flag

Go peruse reputable conservative sites like National Review, etc in the wake of the Confederate flag flap and you'll walk away disgusted by the comments. There are southerners - or at least those who claim to be southerners - spewing ridiculous revisionist history, and more. It's gone so far as to argue that the end of slavery was bad (they were better off before - they had no job or home once emancipated!) and one long doozy that went on about how if slavery was bad, why did Africans practice it? Their answer: that means it wasn't!). 

There's more, but you get the gist. 

Folks, these aren't conservatives, or Republicans, even if they share some ideas on limited government and foreign policy. These people are either legitimate racists or so far gone upstairs they should be on meds. Now that the GOP has come out against the flag, they threaten to vote independent.

The party of Lincoln, Ike, Reagan, and Bush should welcome their defection. I want no part of their kind.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dick Van Patten

R.I.P. Dick Van Patten. Since my Mom was a huge fan of the show, I practically grew up watching Eight is Enough. You'll be missed :(

'Fraid So

Hey, I know you'll think less of me for this. But while I think she's a crazy, self-hate filled, racial divider, I think Rachel Dolezal is kinda hot.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Pictures of the storm damage

Some of this morning's storm damage in Bay View

My Thoughts

All three state-wide elected officals in SC have now called for the removal of the Confederate flag from state land- or if you're a Southern apologist "their battle flag and symbol of regional pride." I have friends who follow that latter train of thought, and they are good people, but I'll have to agree to disagree with them here. It is the flag of rebellion, disunion, and oathbreakers, and should never have been tolerated after Appamatox. The sooner it is gone - and revisionist Southern "history" with it - the better.

A Bike Trip with Junie

Took advantage of the break between storms to take a bike trip to the grocery store with Junie. She pooped out on the way there but recovered nicely at the store and the ride home was smooth. But the wind was a b***h.

Dropping Smiley off at Camp

Dropping off PD for the start of his 12 day YMCA camp yesterday

A Gardening Thank You!

A big thank you for LK for coming out and helping me finish the garden. She was honestly a big help. Love ya Junie!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day Dennis

Lisa has been trying to post this for hours but her app is funky today. This is her dancing with her Dad at our wedding in 1996. RIP Dennis, and Happy Fathers Day. You are missed