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Monday, August 10, 2015

A Wicked Storm

The need for McDonald's cannot be stopped by a mere torrential rain, hail, and strong wind. #WeAreUnstoppable

Sunday, August 9, 2015

She's Back!

Glad Junie is back from camp. I missed my traveling companion. :)

In light of all the unselfish purchases we're going to make for the kids, I took it upon myself to selfishly expand my political button collection by snaring a set of four from Jeb Bush's site. $7, no shipping, and money in his till. No problem. I also wanted some Hilary buttons, and felt torn about donating money to her, but since Lisa and Grace are fans I pushed the button. Fair's fair. Unfortunately, Clinton charges exorbitant shipping so I got three buttons for $13. I'll have to even up the donation at some point, but $20 is my mad money limit for the time being.


The amount of money flowing to our kids this month is making life sound like a family sitcom plot. $150 so far for high school athletics, the big school list for the youngest three, the TI-84 calculator for Yaya, the impressively large school list MHSA just sent, shoes and clothes, a $75 cash fee due on the first day of high school, and for the younger three, dance shoes too. In the next two weeks I'll also have to replace my laptop, software, and bag that was stolen, and purchase my own books (the first assignment has already been given out, so I'm already behind). Oh, and that mortgage thingy. Not complaining, and no regrets. Just duly intimidated :)

Frank Gifford

NY Giants great and Hall of Famer Frank Gifford has died at age 84. I knew him best as the host of Monday Night Football  as part of the trio with Al Michaels and Dan Dierdorf), and of course, as the husband of Kathie Lee Gifford. RIP

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Some New Buttons

My sister's boyfriend Christopher  picked these up for my collection. If he's trying to buy his way into my good graces, he's off to a great start! lol

Painting at Splash Studios

This afternoon I took Lisa to Splash Studio's, a bar downtown where you can paint while enjoying a nice drink. Lisa chose, in advance, the day when a couples-painting, "Birds Eye View" was offered. 

The instructor was a local artist who bore an uncanny resemblance to Michael Buble. 

He instructed the room on the basics of each step (there were about 50 people, mostly young women, including two bridal parties) and turned us loose. 

 Here's the finished product. I did much better than I think Lisa anticipated, although her's was clearly better! 

A good time with a great lady!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Media

Picture #1 (dark background) is from ABC News, who as part of the liberal MSM, did their darnedest to frame quotes from the GOP debate in the worst light possible and devoid of context. Their FB entry on this one is boiling over with hate from Hispanics in the comment section, and ABC rubs their hands with glee.

Pic #2 is from the BBC, who, lacking an agenda, concentrated on the actual gist of the statement. You know, like actual *reporters*.

A Nice Conversation with Smiley

Lisa and Junie just made cupcakes for LK's birthday. Meanwhile, Smiley and I ran some errands, and after hearing the news of Russia's cyberattack, he asked some good questions ranging from the history of Russia, the Cold War (which he'd never heard of), the Korean War, and the possible outcomes of war with Russia or China. Quite the conversation. I hope I answered adequately.

My Thoughts

General comment, no specific target: If one issue decides your vote, and that issue isn't as big as, say, WWIII, then you're an idiot. I tried just now to soften that by coming up with a "but", *but* no, you're just an idiot. If you want a candidate that agrees with you 100% on everything, put your name on the ballot. Otherwise, grow up and realize the world is a complicated place, and President's have a lot of balls in the air at one time.

Also, I will never vote based on one candidate's verbal gaffe. Go tape a conversation and have it transcribed. I *guarantee* you'll have made so many slip-ups you'll sound like a clown, and YOU are not required to speak non-stop for days with microphones everywhere. I will not hold a candidate to a statement when a) it's obvious it was a slip of her tongue b) when it's a single statement that is out of context and meme'd to hell and back by keyboard warriors c) when it's a statement clearly at odds with the same line they've recited a million times.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Getting the hip examined. update:  Got a cortisone shot in my hip. I forgot how much they burn, but I've been quickly reminded. Here's hoping it helps.

Smart Dad

I told Lisa I was leaving my wallet behind when I went inside to pick up the kids from College For Kids, because that way they couldn't ask me to buy anything. The first thing Grace Slapczynski says upon seeing me: "Can you buy us something?". No, no I can't. Ha! #SmartDad

Correction,  I said 'buy me something' not us. idc about the other kids. oops. -YaYa

The Cabin in the Woods

Watched it this evening with the three youngest, which is textbook bad parenting. In fairness,Junie just played Boo on my phone the whole time. The movie, btw, was just as good as I remember.

An Antique Store Find

Monday morning Lisa and I stopped at a local antique store. I perused the ephemera while Lisa bee-lined for the furnishings. (Of note to us a both: a duck that was allegedly caught in a Milwaukee pond and stuffed in *1857*!) But what we walked away with were four cakes pans. Two were Twinkie-esque molds. The other two, each 6"x6", were old new stock, still with their original labels attached. Lisa used these tonight to make an awesome layer cake for dessert The date on the labels she removed? 1959.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Ray Tann Tires

- Here for a punctured tire. As always, grateful they're in business.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Junie's Birthday Pinata

The pinata concluded the party. luLu's swing shattered the broomstick. I eventually polished off the stubborn pinata with a MLB worthy swing of a kid's bat.

Junie's Birthday Party Breakfast

This is what greeted the girls when they came downstairs in the morning.

Junie's Birthday Craft

The craft protect Lisa did with them at the party (fabric paint on canvas totes)

Aloof - pics of Junie's Birthday Party

YaYa pretending to be aloof - off camera she was smiling, and surprisingly firm and effective keeping the girls in line.