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Thursday, August 6, 2015

My Thoughts

General comment, no specific target: If one issue decides your vote, and that issue isn't as big as, say, WWIII, then you're an idiot. I tried just now to soften that by coming up with a "but", *but* no, you're just an idiot. If you want a candidate that agrees with you 100% on everything, put your name on the ballot. Otherwise, grow up and realize the world is a complicated place, and President's have a lot of balls in the air at one time.

Also, I will never vote based on one candidate's verbal gaffe. Go tape a conversation and have it transcribed. I *guarantee* you'll have made so many slip-ups you'll sound like a clown, and YOU are not required to speak non-stop for days with microphones everywhere. I will not hold a candidate to a statement when a) it's obvious it was a slip of her tongue b) when it's a single statement that is out of context and meme'd to hell and back by keyboard warriors c) when it's a statement clearly at odds with the same line they've recited a million times.

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