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Monday, August 31, 2015

Some Improvements

I Prepare for Tracy, Oh Master of Home Improvement, to mock: this morning, supervised by Eric, I installed the water line for our new refrigerator. The fridge itself replaced an 18 cubic foot model we had for 11 years. It's a stainless steel side by side model with an ice and water dispenser - the first we've ever had in our lives - and is around 22 cubic feet in storage. We got it for 1/3 the cost of retail at Sears Outlet. After that Eric removed our kitchen fan and walked me through putting up a new light fixture. The old light was so dim I had to hold up a camping lantern so the delivery guys could install the fridge doors; the new one is the equivalent of 400 watts. The bad news is twofold: fully lit, the kitchen carpet looked awful and I had to steam it again, and the 125 year old plaster ceiling isn't level, so I have to figure out a way for the fixture to lay fully flush. Still, a radical and needed improvement.

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