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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Congrats to Leo for his Oscar win!


On my lunch last night I listened to a copy of Jimmy Carter's inaugural address that I'd downloaded to my phone. Even if you went into it blind of history, you'd have to walk away saying the man was prone to sounding defeatist and less than inspiring, even while talking about freedom and human rights. No oratorical style, and a heavy handed reference to biblical passages. I'd grade this a big 'yawn', with points for his generous nod to Gerald Ford.

Harry Potter

Sorcerer's Stone

As Smiley and YaYa are big fans of HP, I finally gave the books a chance. Not bad - far better writing than I feared. I would have ate this up as a kid

Chamber of Secrets:

Read this one too. However, Lisa has told me to kibosh my reading until Smiley completes the series. "Don't be *that* ahole" she said, and good point it is.

The Witch

Largely on the word of Patrick M, I took Lisa to see this film. Regretfully, I was bored out of my mind. Visually it was great and the acting was above par, but I couldn't find a story with a microscope. The only other people in the theater gathered their things and left after an hour. All in all, I wish I had done the same.

Cookie Booth!

 Girl scout cookie booth today 1-4 at pick n save on holt... Come stock up and say hi to miss Lauren and her fellow brownies

😉 Diabetic or on a diet? They'll take care of donating then to a worthy cause for you!

- Lisa

Friday, February 26, 2016

The hip pain disappeared completely for ten minutes. Not even the constant ache of the last thirteen months. To celebrate I broke into a Charleston. Afterwards it hurt again, but #WorthIt.

Fuller House

FINALLY! All the old gang introduced one by one to enjoy the audience sizzle, an NKOTB dance number, and they broke the 4th wall to jab at the Olsen twins! Have mercy!

Poodle Skirt Darling

LuLu looking fab on throwback day thanks to Grandma Jeanne and her poodle skirt making skills! Thanks!

Tony Burton

 Tony Burton - aka Duke from the Rocky films (Apollo and Rocky's trainer) has died at 78. RIP

 Salmon patties, garlic and parsley mashed potatoes, and asparagus for dinner. #yum

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Good Dinosaur??

On Monday Lisa took the youngest two and a friend to see "The Good Dinosaur" at 450pm. By 510 she was texting me about the incredibly long wait for the movie to start, and subsequently the inappropriate trailers. When the movie started she realized the truth: they were sitting in the wrong theater. It wasn't her fault (the wrong film was listed above the door) but LOL.

LuLu the Sitter

 LuLu babysat for the kids across the street tonight. Good job kid!

So Says the Junebug

 Junie on eating Peeps Bunnies: "You have to eat the ears first. It's good manners."

The Judge (and a great quote)

This is a solid movie with Robert Downey Jr and Robert Duvall. 

 "Everyone wants Atticus Finch [as their lawyer] until there's a dead hooker in the bathtub."

Lone Survivor

 A fine war movie. Not as important as American Sniper, or as moving, but worth a viewing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Da HIp

 The hip pain was on full blast when I woke up, like I woke up midsurgery. It was bad enough I took painkillers before I even stumbled to the bathroom. Then I warned Lisa it was probably best to avoid me. I'm a right as*hole when its that bad. She's known me long enough to take the advice.

Someone asked over the weekend why the hip isn't healed yet and it's a comment that's still stuck in my craw. It isn't a damn skinned knee. There was lots of stuff wrong with it, some of which they fixed, some they couldn't, and there's the surgical pain on top of it. Overall its much better - I'm not on crutches am I? I'm working, and going to school, not sitting on the couch - but there's going to be bumps in the road. F, I'm grouchy today.

Wickedly proud of myself for sucking it up and making it to class, although the walking did me no favors.

The Lasso of Truth

 My Evidence Professor just brought up Wonder Woman and her Lasso of Truth. Neat fact: the creator of WW was one of the early inventors of lie detector machines. On the downside, the prof called it a Marvel comic. SMH

The Hills Have Eyes 2

 Not bad. Well, bad. But good bad.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Transporter

 First time I've seen it. I like it.

Ike and Jesse Owens


The Walk

The movie version of Philippe Petit's 1974 tightrope walk between the Twin Towers. We saw the documentary and I'm familiar with the event, so no surprises. The movie is done in a visually whimsical, charming fashion, and it's definitely worth a rental.

Hip pain drove me back to the cane over the weekend, but it's lessening again. PT says it's probably just a muscle that got tweaked as my activity level increased

My Thoughts

 I've said it before, but it's worth repeating. When a candidate - ANY candidate - says they won't take money from someone because they "won't be bought", all it says to me is that they're so morally weak that a dollar in your pocket could buy their vote.


 A decent supernatural thriller starring the poor man's Amy Adams, Isla Fisher.

Monday, February 22, 2016

This didn't age well

"Action on a Supreme Court nomination must be put off until after the election campaign is over. That is what is fair to the nominee and essential to the process. Otherwise, it seems to me...we will be in deep trouble as an Institution." -- Joe Biden, 1992