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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Da HIp

 The hip pain was on full blast when I woke up, like I woke up midsurgery. It was bad enough I took painkillers before I even stumbled to the bathroom. Then I warned Lisa it was probably best to avoid me. I'm a right as*hole when its that bad. She's known me long enough to take the advice.

Someone asked over the weekend why the hip isn't healed yet and it's a comment that's still stuck in my craw. It isn't a damn skinned knee. There was lots of stuff wrong with it, some of which they fixed, some they couldn't, and there's the surgical pain on top of it. Overall its much better - I'm not on crutches am I? I'm working, and going to school, not sitting on the couch - but there's going to be bumps in the road. F, I'm grouchy today.

Wickedly proud of myself for sucking it up and making it to class, although the walking did me no favors.

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