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Monday, March 28, 2016

 Here are the flowers I bought Lisa for her Easter gift. And here is our elusive one-eyed Custard scurrying away after being caught trying to eat them.

 Woke up to a power outage affecting 9300 WE Energies customers, with no cause yet discovered. I'm not so far removed from the past that my first thought wasn't "did I pay the bill?". LOL A big thank you to Louise for the lantern she bought me for Christmas in '14. It's coming in handy right now.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Junie Art

Some drawings by Junie, age 8.

A Special Easter Treat

Junie gave up takis - a ghastly Mexican hot Cheeto - for Lent. And while I was happy to see them go, it was a struggle for her. So she got a small pack for Easter and was ecstatic (but knew I'd bought them this morning, because she'd snuck a peek at her gifts overnight).

Easter Dinner at Denny's

Easter dinner! (Minus LuLu, who wasn't feeling well. Legit ill,  not the "my kid is being a jerk so I wouldn't let them come but I'll tell people they're sick so they don't judge me" ill. LOL)

7 hours of sleep - minus one interruption for a Junie fit - ???? Truly a Easter miracle!

My Thoughts: The "Pagan" Nature of Easter

Ack, usually this stuff only pops up on Facebook around Christmas, but I just saw a meme about how Easter (and the eggs, etc) is just a "pagan" holiday. Quoting my comment: 

I've pointed this out for twenty years, and it never seems to sink in for people, but here goes: Duh, and who cares? Of course, when Christianity moved into new areas it was easier to incorporate the existing celebration practices into the new religion. Symbols are just that, representations of ideas, and the church created new "ideas" to affix to the traditional practices. It made the transition easier. Christmas is still the celebration of Christ's birth, Easter still the celebration of his Rebirth. Who gives a shit if wreaths originally celebrated X if they now clearly and definitely proclaim Y? A guy gives a ring to his ex wife. After a messy divorce, twenty years later he gives another engagement ring to the new love of his life. You're going to argue that ring is a mockery of his second wife because once upon a time it was a symbol of his adoration for a different woman? Hell no.

Two Visits

Before dinner Lisa and YaYa went to visit Lisa's stepmom, and I called my Dad and sister and visited my Mom in the hospital, bringing her a picture Junie drew, a coloring book YaYa picked out, and deviled eggs OJ made her for the holiday.

the name of the Wind

Rachel L recommended this fantasy novel to me, and I finished it last night. It's very good (and has a Wisconsin author), but I can't claim to be enamored by the main character. He's a bit like Harry Potter's son, if Harry Potter mated with Melfoy and begat a pompous knob. He also seems to have an aversion to women. He meets them, they invite him into their bed chambers, he demurs; he has a hottie fawn over him, he spends six hours talking with her (!), and doesn't so much as reach for her hand. Either the author is a virgin or the character should just come of the closet already. Other than that crud, a fine novel.

My Thoughts - on Christmas and Easter being "pagan"

 Ack, usually this stuff only pops up on Facebook around Christmas, but I just saw a meme about how Easter (and the eggs, etc) is just a "pagan" holiday. Quoting my comment:

I've pointed this out for twenty years, and it never seems to sink in for people, but here goes: Duh, and who cares? Of course, when Christianity moved into new areas it was easier to incorporate the existing celebration practices into the new religion. Symbols are just that, representations of ideas, and the church created new "ideas" to affix to the traditional practices. It made the transition easier. Christmas is still the celebration of Christ's birth, Easter still the celebration of his Rebirth. Who gives a shit if wreaths originally celebrated X if they now clearly and definitely proclaim Y? A guy gives a ring to his ex wife. After a messy divorce, twenty years later he gives another (different) engagement ring to the new love of his life. You're going to argue that ring is a mockery of his second wife because once upon a time it was a symbol of his adoration for a different woman? Hell no.

Mother Angelica

 The recognizable founder of EWTN passed away on Easter. She was 92. 

Not the Reactions we Expected

Sigh. Smiley is having a half hour hissy because Junie got a sketch book for Easter and he didn't. Nevermind that Lisa bought him a case for his DS that was worth more than Junie's entire basket. 

My family's emotional instability + Lisa's family's temper = quite the show.

Thanks YaYa  for sacrificing her sketch book to appease her brother. I'll replace yours, thanks for your giving spirit.

One fit stopped, enterJunie drama....

Now Junie's appeased, enter OJ protests..... Good thing parents aren't voted on, I think they'd impeach us.

- Lisa

Saturday, March 26, 2016

 A better "after" photo of Smiley's new black hair

Batman v Superman

 Very irritated by all the negativity towards Batman v Superman, especially as it seems to stem largely from people who *haven't seen the film* or just dog Affleck because it's what cool kids do.* Ben has always been underrated, and even if I felt otherwise, he was a superb Batman, giving proper credit to Bruce Wayne but not at the expense of the suit. Under his watch Wayne was more than just a mask for the bat, and he was dutifully unmerciful when wearing the cape. And the hoopla over the origin story? Criminy people, it was THREE minutes and necessary to foreshadow a pivotal scene later ("Martha"). Humans suck. *some people have seen it and blasted it, but they're people I don't care a whit about. If Patrick M or Thomas G give it a thumbs down on these points, then I'll concede there is another viable POV. They'll still be wrong, but I'll listen.

Smiley Dyes his Hair

After the eggs and before the movie, Smiley asked to dye his hair jet black, and we passed the task on to Lulu, our resident hair expert. I like the results, and so does he.

Easter Egg Dyeing

 As we've done since at least 1998 (starting with our niece and nephew) #TeamSlap dyed Easter Eggs on Good Friday. We do it from noon to three, although as the kids have gotten older it takes less and less time. We don't allow electronics or play during the hours Christ was on the cross, so this is a convenient way to hold their attention. My Godson TJ attended this year, and all the kids seemed to have fun, normal squabbles aside. Note the "Daddy Trump" egg YaYa made, drawing the scorn of the rabidly liberal Junie LOL