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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Batman v Superman

 Very irritated by all the negativity towards Batman v Superman, especially as it seems to stem largely from people who *haven't seen the film* or just dog Affleck because it's what cool kids do.* Ben has always been underrated, and even if I felt otherwise, he was a superb Batman, giving proper credit to Bruce Wayne but not at the expense of the suit. Under his watch Wayne was more than just a mask for the bat, and he was dutifully unmerciful when wearing the cape. And the hoopla over the origin story? Criminy people, it was THREE minutes and necessary to foreshadow a pivotal scene later ("Martha"). Humans suck. *some people have seen it and blasted it, but they're people I don't care a whit about. If Patrick M or Thomas G give it a thumbs down on these points, then I'll concede there is another viable POV. They'll still be wrong, but I'll listen.

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