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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Early Pics of YaYa


Some old pictures of Lulu :)


Baby YaYa

Me and the YaYa, circa 2002, with matching earrings. I don't trust babies that aren't bald. There's something off about kids like that.

Yesterday was a big win for Governor Scott Walker. Voter ID was a success, and did NOT inhibit voter turnout (it was the highest for a spring election since 1972). Cruz took the GOP primary, and Justice Rebecca Bradley was elected to a 10 year term on the Supreme Court. Not a bad day for a guy not even on the ballot.

 If you include the words "To be honest" in your posts like a verbal tic, I'm apt to defriend you. Am I to assume you're a f'ing liar in its absence? LOL

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

An Update on the Hip

Earlier today I had the three month post-op checkup on my hip. The pain (which I ignore, except to constantly say "This f'ing hip") has lessened overall, and the doc thinks there's a decent chance it might dissipate for the most part by the six month mark. Although I'm fully mobile, the hip usually locks up about halfway through a shift at work or after a car ride; he attributes that to scar tissue that should also (fingers crossed) loosen up by that time. He also complimented my weight loss, pointing it out before he even glanced at the file. So all in all a good report. I'm certainly better than the month before and after surgery. Hope remains that I'll be stinking up a golf course by summer.

 #117 @ 8:15. Chris Larson was at my polling station, making sure to hold his infant whenever the TV cameras were on him, then passing her back to his wife when they were not. He radiates "creep" to me.

See the Resemblance?

I can't say I've ever saw much of myself (physically) in YaYa, other than our dimpled chin. But this old picture of me, IMHO, makes me rethink that opinion.

Smiley at the Dentist

 Some good news yesterday in the midst of an otherwise lousy day: I took Smiley to the dentist, and despite earlier fears that he would need braces, his teeth have now grown in fine. He's A-OK, and no orthodontic appliances needed!

My Thoughts on the 2016 Primary

 Today's voting day in WI, and I'm at a loss. I'd vote for John Kasich, as he's the only GOP candidate left I'd like to see in the White House, but let's get serious: he's not going to get the nod. I could vote for Cruz, but it'd be nothing more than a vote to try and knock off Trump. I have no affinity for Cruz as a candidate. I could cross the aisle and vote for Hillary Clinton, in part to keep Bernie Sanders from tasting victory, and because I do think she's a capable politician that would talk Left but govern Center. I honestly haven't made up my mind, but I do think it's down to Kasich or Clinton on my ballot.

Another quandary in the vote for Mayor. I like Mayor Tom Barrett as a person, and think he's done a great job revitalizing downtown and sections of Milwaukee. Nor would I decide on a single issue, even one as head scratching as the trolley project. But as far as I can tell he's all but ignored the North Side, his cozy relationship with the Police Chief has accomplished nothing to reduce violent crime, and I've heard nothing to suggest a change in the future. Milwaukee could use a new voice in the office, but while I've worked with Bob Donovan once or twice and think he's a capable alderman, I don't see the man having a strategic vision for the city, or the tactical skill to pull epic changes out of his hat. My vote, somewhat regretfully, will be for Barrett.

For County Executive, my vote will go to Chris Abele for Milwaukee County Executive. I think he's done a capable job with the tools on hand, and he hasn't been afraid to make politically unpopular decisions. Meanwhile, his opponent (my State Senator) is one of the nimrods who fled to Illinois a few years back, and was somehow elected despite confessing to shoplifting in college. And yes, disagree all you want, but if you steal at 21 you're not committing a youthful indiscretion, you're just a thief. I don't want him in an office that's ALREADY featured one of the biggest scandals in local history.

An Ad from 1935


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Cave of the Mounds

On Friday Lisa took the three youngest to Cave of the Mounds while I caught up on sleep. They toured the cave, mined for gems and fossils, and bought out the gift shop. As I'm always talking about living in a cave, Lauren enjoyed picking out "her room" and the perfect "counter for our cave kitchen". #GoodJobMomma

I heard a Bernie Sanders commercial on the radio, and hand to heart, at first I wondered why Larry David was doing voiceovers.

I was proud to attend Mass this morning with LuLu, who started training to be an altar girl after the service!

 Pictures of the protestors outside a Donald Trump event at UWM. Note the second picture.