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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dance Through the Years

Slap--- dance throughout the years 🌟 great recital today 🙂 - YaYa

Yankees-Red Sox

I'm stuck watching the Boston telecast of the Yankees game. It makes my skin crawl to listen to someone paid to talk positively about those . . . people. Ugh.

The 2016 Dance Recital is This Weekend!

We're back from the first of three recital performances this weekend for Arabesque Dance, held this year at Pius XI. This was the first year OJ was on pointe, and has certainly mastered her stage smile! All three did great and I couldn't be prouder. Thanks to all family and friends who will attend this weekend.

Friday, April 29, 2016

LuLu's Dance Picture

My Esteemed Dance Career

This weekend is the annual dance recital for the kids. In their honor, here's a Throwback Thursday - er, Friday - post of my own dance pics circa 1978.

A poor kitty hit by a car

As I was turning off Oklahoma this morning I saw a dead raccoon in the intersection and thought, well, nothing. Then I saw it was a cat. Then I saw it was an injured cat. Then I saw it was an injured cat about to be run over by a bus. I stopped my car and got out (almost losing my driver's door to traffic) and scooped her up. She was unable to use her hind legs so I put her in the car and called the owner. After a half hour of pet sitting Jade is back at home and seemed to have regained use of her back legs.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

A-Rod went 3-3 on Wednesday with a home run and a double. He's 4-4 in his last four at bats. #BowAsTBEReturns
A year ago today I walked into a doctor's office and asked to use their scale, because mine wasn't up to the job. I weighed 414.6 pounds - not even my lifetime high, sadly - and I was feeling every ounce. After a year of hard work, and even with losing a lot of time with the hip surgery, I have lost 84.4 pounds and am more than halfway to my goal. There's still a lot of sweat ahead, but I'm game.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ted Cruz announces something big. Yawn.

Today Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate, should he win the nomination. 
This is about as relevant to the world as what I had for lunch.
Last Evidence class of the season.

Monday, April 25, 2016

They got the game in!

Somehow, hail and thunderstorms aside, YaYa's softball team got their game in. Due to the time limit, it actually ended with her at the plate and a full count.

Primary Nonsense

Ted Cruz isn't rigging the system against Trump, even with his public collusion with Kasich. Sanders independent voters aren't being denied their rights because they aren't allowed to cast a vote in a primary for the *Democratic* party. The rules were in place when they signed on for the job, and just because you're losing you don't get to pretend that it isn't so. Soooo much immaturity in this election year.

A Beautiful Day

This year, she's right. #MissCongeniality

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Lisa took Junie to see "Zooptopia" tonight #GoodMama. Lisa called the movie good and thoughtful, LK deemed it "Great!".
This afternoon I was very pleased to have Smiley accompany me to the gym. We did a half hour on the treadmill (where he smoked me) then I introduced him to the weight machines. I'm happy to have a 3rd person available to keep me company when I work out!
When I was out at the gas station just now with OJ I ran into Dawn, a bi-sexual former prostitute from Job Prior. When she saw me she gave me a hug and congratulated me on law school. From the looks of it she's clean now and doing much better in life herself. I tried to play up the hug to OJ, just to prove how studly her Dad is, but she coldly said: "I'm not worried about it. No woman wants you anyway." #Ouch
I was cleaning but my Fitbit had to charge so I'm on the couch watching the White Sox-Rangers game lol

No TakeBacks

Waaah! (Stomp my feet) Waaaah! My side didn't win so change the rules! #pathetic

Saturday, April 23, 2016

RIP Shakespeare - Even after 400 years

400 years ago today William Shakespeare died at the age of 52.

Grief shouldn't be Mocked

I've seen a bunch of comments and posts complaining about the outpouring of grief for Prince, and what a shame we don't do the same for soldiers, cops, and in one bizarre comment, some guy's Aunt. Only in modern America could grief be controversial.

Aside from the fact that people are allowed to grieve for who they wish, we all knew Prince, albeit at a distance, for 30+ years. If my brother or Grandma dies tomorrow, no matter the circumstances, I wouldn't expect the public to react the same. It's my place to mourn them, not America's.

You want the same attention as Prince? Get famous, stay famous, and influence the lives of millions. #Truth

Thursday, April 21, 2016

RIP Prince

I'm genuinely upset to hear of Prince's passing, but I'm happy we got to hear him in concert. Great show, great guitarist. R.I.P.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Word of the Day

 Word of the day.

Milquetoast: a timid person or idea. "[A] man who speaks softly and gets hit with a big stick."
My hip is 40% better than it was Monday-Tuesday, which is a shame, as the kids finally noticed and showed some concern (3 days into it!). I still went to work, I still went to class, I still tried to get Lisa into the sack. So life went on. But if the pain had continued as is another day, or comes back just as strong, then I'm gonna have to call the hip doc.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

On Sunday, while Lisa took the youngest two to see "The Jungle Book" at the Avalon #GoodMama, I took an axe to the two small trees in the front yard. My neighbor said I could have used his chainsaw, but using an axe gave the ladies of Bay View a sexier show. After carrying the debris to the alley and cleaning up, I still felt good enough to take 3 kids to the batting cages. Alas once the testosterone wore off the hip called me an idiot, and I have spent 2.5 days in utter misery. I still looked hot though, and that's what counts. #Ish

Monday, April 18, 2016

 With as bad as my hip has hurt since I woke up (and it's a doozy of a day), I feel like a bad-ass just for making it to class.

- at Marquette