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Wednesday, June 15, 2016


NSFW and kids: Lisa just took part in a Facebook quiz that named her vagina after the title of the last movie she watched:

The Conjuring


I haven't watched batting practice in probably thirty years. My Dad used to take us to the ballpark early to watch it, but I've never done it on my own. Huh. Haven't thought about that in decades.


A great quote from an unlikely source

One of the greatest indictments of this society's obsession with political correctness, safe places, triggers, and other gobbledegook comes, from of all the unlikely voices in the world, Ralph Nader: speaking about the phenomenon, he said we are creating people with skin so sensitive they are "blistered by moonbeams."

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

My Thoughts

Let me spare you all all some angst: America isn't going to get rid of its guns, we aren't going to ban anything, and blaming Orlando on anything but the killers ideology is pointless. In a world without guns, he walks in with a suicide vest. Same result, fewer memes, and no go-to scapegoat to divert blame from where it belongs.

Weight Loss Update

I was worried about my weigh-in today. My food intake was so-so over the last week, but I lost Sunday-Wednesday to the hip and did the bare minimum of moving, with no gym time, and spent the rest of the week treading lightly on the joint. No damage done tho: my weight fluctuated by all of two ounces.

Happy Flag Day!

Monday, June 13, 2016

C'mon Hilary

Clinton said today that if you're under investigation by the FBI you shouldn't be able to buy a gun (presumably until that investigation is over). I agree. But once again, I think she has a tin ear for irony: YOU are under investigation by the FBI. So you aren't trustworthy enough to buy a pistol, but you're good to go with nukes?

Before you read too much either way, I'll post things supporting both Presidential candidates because at this moment I'm not sure how I'll cast my ballot. I'd prefer to vote for neither, but I've never missed an election and won't start now. And spare me the 3rd party argument. This isn't a parliamentary system and I'm not going to waste my vote.

Ha Ha. Grrrr

Smilwy watching the ball game with me, drawing a picture of A-Rod, and getting ready to inadvertently insult me.
Smiley: "There's this kid, he's in fourth grade, and he is HUGE. I mean, he is soooo fat. He's like half your size Dad."

Half my height. I'm sure he meant half my height.

A Rachel Dolezal Meme