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Monday, July 11, 2016

Gaming Supplies

Getting supplies for La-Tee-Da at Game Universe in Brookfield 


 If I wasn't fifty blocks west of Hwy 100 right now, I'd say that was a gunshot I just heard, especially as it was followed by a lady yelling "Oh My God!" But seeing as it's Brookfield, I reckon it's another grump appalled by fireworks.


We're watching our friend's kids this week (during the day)  Glad to have them.


As bad a movie as you'll ever see. It was a s**t book (Stephen King's worst, IMO) and the movie happily picks up the torch. Don't just avoid renting it, boycott any store that dares put it up for sale.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Missing my YaYa.
And the hip pain returns. Dammit.

Dinner with Jaspare's nephew

We went out to dinner with my in-law's and their nephew John, who is visiting from New Jersey.

Why, I oughta

Smiley and I just got back from the gym. He didn't want to go but I dragged him along to lift. 

"I don't want to go. They're all old. They all stare at me," he said. 

"Did you ever stop and think they're just staring at your super hot Dad?" I said. 

"Impossible," he said, "since I don't have one."


80 years ago today Lou Gehrig hit his 400th home run, only the second player in history to do so (Babe Ruth being the first).

Sure it Does

Why wouldn't there be kibbles of dry cat food in the butter tray of the fridge? Makes perfect sense.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Pokemon Go

We are currently wandering about a mile and a half from home, searching for Pokemon using the Pokemon Go app. I must say, it's a fun little activity, and a good workout.

We find ourselves at a park playground in search of Pokemon, and I have called for a  break. Quite by accident, park visit #7 of the promised 50.

Smiley borrowed my phone this afternoon and wandered the neighborhood playing Pokemon Go

Friday, July 8, 2016

Medieval Times

Yesterday Lisa took Smiley and Junie down to Medieval Times near Chicago (YaYa is out of town and LuLu didn't want to go). By all accounts they had a blast dining while watching jousting, swordplay, and horsemanship, even though their knight didn't win. #SuperMom followed it up by taking the same two to Jelly Belly today to tour the factory.

Here are some pics Smiley took at Medieval Times


Me: I can't shake this headache.

Lulu: I saw a show once where the guy woke up with a headache and went to the ER when it wouldn't go away, and the X-RAY showed his wife had shot him in the head while he slept.

Me: (stare)

LuLu: Just sayin'

I Hope It's True

There are rumors that Alexis Patterson has been found, alive, and a DNA test has been taken. Oh, it would be wonderful if she was still alive.

Park Tacos

"Park tacos." Visit six of the promised 50.

Tragedy in Dallas

Here's the horrible irony of the tragedy in Dallas:  five hours ago the stories about the police shooting of that man yesterday were timely and moving and important. Now they seem insignificant and a footnote.  BLM, if they were in even the slightest way responsible for Dallas, has destroyed itself.

Bu in fairness, all the memes and comments calling the Dallas protestors hypocrites for running from the shots while the cops they bashed ran towards the gunfire - well they really don't have a point. It's not a civilians job to run towards a gunman and they did the right thing by getting out of the line of fire. The cops did the the right thing - their job- by doing the opposite. As far as I know, no one but extreme loons have ever protested what is universally acknowledged to be the protective function of police. So it's a strawman argument at best.

A Bike Ride with Lu

Maybe it was all the news out of Dallas, maybe it was my schedule, maybe it was the dupa that turned off the central air while I slept and left me to marinate in my own sweat, but I've been nursing a hangover-like headache all day.

Still have that headache, but it's a gorgeous day and LuLu seems to have enjoyed spending it with me, so the two of us hopped on our bikes and rode a few miles. Now I have a headache AND my hip hurts, but dangit it was fun. Thanks Lu!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


If your argument against Trump is that a citizen is incapable of governing without devoting themselves to a lifetime of governments service first, then with respect, our Constitution and this great experiment has failed, and we are but a kingdom by another name.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Back from a decent walk with Junie. #pooped


Me: "Ugh, enough. Go harass Mom."

LK: "I don't know what harass is."

Dad: "It's everything you say and do."

Park Stew

At the park. Visit 5 of the promised 50.

The "park stew" Junie made at the park. According to her it was composed of bay leaves, oregano, water (of course), garlic, an edible flower from a mountain peak, pepper, roots, and a mint leaf. Lol

YaYa leaves for Boundary Waters

Lisa and I, along with GC's boyfriend, just dropped Grace Slapczynski off for Boundary Waters, a ten day Girl Scout canoe trip in Minnesota. She'll have a blast, but we'll miss her! 😞