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Friday, July 8, 2016

Tragedy in Dallas

Here's the horrible irony of the tragedy in Dallas:  five hours ago the stories about the police shooting of that man yesterday were timely and moving and important. Now they seem insignificant and a footnote.  BLM, if they were in even the slightest way responsible for Dallas, has destroyed itself.

Bu in fairness, all the memes and comments calling the Dallas protestors hypocrites for running from the shots while the cops they bashed ran towards the gunfire - well they really don't have a point. It's not a civilians job to run towards a gunman and they did the right thing by getting out of the line of fire. The cops did the the right thing - their job- by doing the opposite. As far as I know, no one but extreme loons have ever protested what is universally acknowledged to be the protective function of police. So it's a strawman argument at best.

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