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Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Spent much of the afternoon/evening visiting here with my nieces, and Jeanne Scorsone and LK dropped in for a bit. So did Choco, the dog LuLu walks!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Smiley - the tissue removal and cancer screening

I am very anxious about Smiley this morning, and am posting constantly as a defense mechanism. That doesn't excuse you from liking them.

Update on Smiley: the procedure is done. In ten days we'll return to remove the exterior stitches, and by then we'll know the test results. The doctor seemed very confident they'll come back negative.
The airline is ripping her apart, and the press is too, but Ann Coulter is right. Maybe she shouldn't have gone public so quick, but she paid extra for the seat. Facts don't change because you don't like the person.
The cops have a traffic trap near 8th and Oklahoma the last two mornings. Be wary.

It Doesn't Have to Make Sense

Lisa: I could never live in the country. I like having neighbors around. Also, I never talk to my neighbors. 

Me: I wish we lived in a cave in the middle of nowhere. Also, I'm always talking to the neighbors and up on all the gossip.


An early breakfast at Landmark with my boo

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The biggest flaw with the Left in 2017 is they just can't meme. They fall flat. It's a little sad really.
Channeling my frustration, I cut down a small tree that was pushing on the fence,  put up a Stainless Steel paper towel holder,  and after ten years of requests I cut the fence posts even with the fence. That last bit will actually cost me,  nevermind that it's what Lisa wanted,  because all I'll hear for years is why did it take so long.  I don't mind. If life situations didn't sometimes resemble stereotypes they wouldn't exist in the first place, and I relish the banter.

On the new Doctor

You're damn right I'm upset that a two hearted all but immortal alien who has lived in thirteen different bodies is now being played by a woman.  I would be equally upset if after 54 years a  beloved female character grew a Johnson.  It doesn't have to make sense.  It's my fandom of choice.  I can only cling to the hope the people responsible are held accountable in the afterlife. #NotMyDoctor

A friend tried to persuade me the choice was a good one by sending me nude pics of the new Doctor. I agree she's hot. But I've never watched Doctor Who to masturbate to the Doctor.  And while that isn't how he thinks,  isn't that just admitting the goal of the choice was a lurid push for ratings,  and sexism in disguise? #NotMyDoctor

I look forward to the next Wonder Woman being played by a man. After all, it's an iconic character dating back decades. Isn't it time for inclusion? Plus the costume should be a pip. 

 I'd like to point out that the UK has a population that is 87.1% white - more really, as they classify Travelers like Tyson Fury as non-white, which is weird - and most of that 13% mix lives near London. Doctor Who has done a fine job, a DISPROPORTIONATELY fine job, in the area of the pc game of representation

Prediction: ratings for the new Doctor will soar, then, when all the "never watched it" SJW's fall off, return to normal. After a season where her gender is referenced in each episode, ala Bill's "I'm gay," ratings will dip. The BBC will be concerned but give her one more season. With ratings at a low for New Who after that, partly due to normal viewer fatigue with a fourteen year old show, a new Doctor will be cast. Two years after that, the show will end. Fifteen Doctors, if you include Hurt.

* * * 

After driving to and from YaYa's camp this morning to drop off supplies, Lisa took a nap. I interrupted it to break the news about the new Doctor. Her reaction:

"Don't wake me up again for your stupid shit."


* * * *

Lisa: What happens if she [the new Doctor] turns out to be the best one ever?

(Impossible after Pertwee and Tennant)

Me: Then I'll publicly admit I'm wrong. 

I swear. Sometimes the woman mistakes me for a self-righteous liberal.


Update: Two days later and I'm still salty about Doctor Who.  And spare me the cries of sexism and misogyny.  The same people screaming that are invested in the issue only because of the gender of the actress, not because they love(ed) the show - nice example of hypocrisy, that.

Ike and McCarthy by David A. Nichols

A fascinating tale somewhat diminished by a lack of writing style. My adoration of Ike continues.


Tomorrow the long awaited day we get our questions answered about Smiley's condition. He gets the skin and tissue excised around the original mole tomorrow morning. Hoping to know much more about what to do going forward. Scared and hopeful.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The New Front Gate

I replaced the front gate this month, building it from scratch. Lulu even got into the action by helping me cut the boards. 

Bug Bites from Cap

A sample of some of the bug bites from a week away at camp. Yes, they wore bug spray. I'd hate to see what they looked like without it.
Smiley and I went to Mass, and afterwards we lit two candles. One for his health, and one for YaYa's travels. It is what Lisa endearingly calls "Catholic Voodo," but I'll take all the help I can get.

Replacing the Front Gate


On a Polish heritage site I frequent members are shaming those who call their Grandma "Bucia/Busha" saying it an American bastardization of the true word. Yeah, one problem. I'm not Polish. I'm an American of Polish heritage, and if it's good enough for this country it's good enough for me.

History you don't read about in School

History you don't read about: At 2:32 pm on March 1, 1954, four Puerto Rican separatists launched a terror attack on the floor of the House, shooting five Congressmen,  one critically. They were related to the same group that conspired to assassinate Eisenhower four months previously.

Friday, July 14, 2017


Sometimes I backwash just so the kids don't drink my soda #AlwaysThinking

The Meeting Spot

Picked the two youngest girls up from camp then took the family (and niece Stacey) to the George Webb's on Forest Home where I met Lisa in 1995. I'm seated in the exact seat,  as a matter of fact.

Walked Smiley home from drum class to stretch out my hip. Now watching the Brewers prospect we traded yesterday make his big league debut in the NY-Bos game

School Shopping

School supply shopping is done for the youngest three. It hurt our wallet, but at least it's done. #GoodJobMamaSlap

The Blue Angels

The Blue Angels keep buzzing my house. It's like living in Sarajevo in the '90's. 


Sometimes I backwash just so the kids don't drink my soda #AlwaysThinking

Camp Pickup

Pics from camp pickup  (YaYa has one more week )

Thursday, July 13, 2017