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Thursday, September 13, 2018

A Thief in the Park

YaYa: It may seem unimportant, but to whoever stole my sister’s Barbie doll from Humboldt Park, you suck. She brings her dolls everywhere to take pictures and today a girl stole one of them at the park. When asked about it she promptly stuffed it in her parents car, got in, and then the family left. This isn’t the first time that our things have gotten stolen from Humboldt. Although I doubt this situation is of much importance to anyone, just a reminder to *try* to be a decent person. Teach your kids not to steal. This was a $20+ doll, one that my sister loves and adores. If you see this, and your kid has magically acquired a new doll, there is a $10 reward.
For reference: it’s the one on the far right. 

This the girl, photobombing a picture that my sister had taken.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Propaganda on Campus

I just sat through a seminar in which Obama was praised for "speaking out" ("Great to see him again!"), Cory Booker was lauded for his courage (nevermind that he lied about it all, as CNN and MSNBC even went after him), Kaepernick was hailed as a "great quarterback, one of the best in the NFL" who is "full of courage", cops "routinely shoot black men for no reason", and true Americans were those, like the professor, who protested the Vietnam war. 

I did speak up again, knocking down his Booker speech, and another student ripped his diagram of the political spectrum, correctly calling for fascism and authoritarianism to be placed where it belongs - on the far left. So there's some hope that the system hasn't completely Sheepled the generations that followed me. But all in all, college hasn't changed much since the '90's

the potential exists that it was an effort to foster thought and debate and no agenda was intended. I just think, given my experience, that that isn't the case.

Just by coincidence, as I sat typing my last post here on the porch, Smiley came to talk to me about his day at school - where the subject of one class had been a discussion about letting non-citizens (aka illegals and legal residents) vote. Although I never talk politics with the kids unless they ask, Smiley shot down the idea, and later defended the electoral college. Good for him - and boo for the school.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Never Forget

A friend asked on FB what her friends were doing on 9/11. Someone on her page responded "Over it." Say that. s**t to me today,  tomorrow,  or fifty years from now, and it's the last time we ever speak.

Jack Ryan

This is a great show and well worth your time.

Sad Facts

I despise legal research so of course I seem to have a knack for it - at least, it seems that way, as I complete my assignments days early and without the drama indicated in the class emails. Generally, I seem to be stuck being very good only at things I don't enjoy. That seems very not-nice of our Creator.

Leave No Trace

Lisa and I had the rare opportunity to go see a movie alone tonight.  We saw "Leave No Trace," a quiet movie about a vet with PTSD that lives in a public forest with his daughter.  We enjoyed it.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Well then.

Me (to my wife): There's no one whose company I enjoy more than yours.  I mean that. 

Lisa: (cracking open a peanut): And I really enjoy salted peanuts. 

Well then.  Who says romance is dead?

Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Brewers Win their 82nd!

I took Junie, Madita, and LuLu to the Brewers game today. It was nice weather on the ground but cold and windy up in our seats, necessitating the purchase of a throw before the day ended early. Not the greatest game I ever saw, but there was a fantastic half inning that had Braun HBP to load the bases, a typical baseball almost- brawl, and then a go-ahead Grand Slam. I explained the game as best I could to Madita, but I feel she agrees with LuLu  that it's dull. Junie's Miller Park record remains unblemished, and the Crew secured a winning season with their 82nd win!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Bill Daly

RIP Match Game staple Bill Daly, also of I Dream of Jeannie and The Bob Newhart Show.

The Man has Patience

Not that a 44 year old that's led a normal (aka occasionally fun) life has any hope of a political career,  but Bay View's Facebook page has nixed any desire for it anyway.  Alderman Tony Zielinski is constantly,  and I mean CONSTANTLY, ridiculed, libeled,  and blamed for everything that happens, from the bad to the ridiculous,  in the district.  To his credit,  he takes the hits and still wades in the mire.  The hell with that.  I'd tell people to F off at least six times a day in his job.

The BVCC Food Pantry Charity Walk

We completed the annual 3 mile walk to benefit the local food pantry, but with one casualty: somewhere along the route LuLu  was exposed to an allergen and broke out in horrible hives, bad enough to warrant an ER visit halfway through the event. She's alright, thank God. Other than that, a splendid morning.

Dude, Where's My Car?

Dude parked his car in front of my house and crossed the road to his buddy's house,  looking anxiously over his shoulder at me the whole way.  Fear not sir,  I shall not steal your precious Ford Focus.

Friday, September 7, 2018

My Thoughts

My comment on a suggestion a rail line be built from the College Park and Ride to downtown: I despise the trolley, but I would full out revolt if an initiative was made to make it easier for suburbanites to use our city and its resources then return to their precious enclaves.


Chaco is coming on the charity walk tomorrow!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

My Day

1. I walked the kids to school today. 

2.LK had her phone confiscated and Lisa and I had to go retrieve it

3. In class I was the only student with any knowledge of an event from 1989. I get that y'all are young, but news flash: I was born in 1974, but nowhere on my birth certificate did it say I was forbidden from knowing about big world events that happened before that date. Read a damn book.

A Hero

According to the clerk at the gas station on Clement and Oklahoma, directly east of Mobil and across from the dojo, he successfully fought off a knife wielding man, and footage of the aborted gas station robbery will air on Channel 12. His wife is very angry he resisted, but he's justifiably proud of his actions all the same.


I don't buy Nike, so no I won't boycott them. Yes, I think they're a POS company that relies on abusive labor practices overseas while virtue signalling here, and no liberal seems to care. No, I don't think they'll go out of business. Yes, Capernick is a spoiled brat and failed QB who was angry he was benched and came up with something to get his name on the news. Have I answered all your questions?

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Another Pitbull Attack

Cue all the people who will say it's the training, not the breed. I'm sure this woman thought the same. So did all the other victims. Enough already.

First Day of School PIcs!

First day of school (for them)

The New "Mayans" TV Show

Eh. It's not SAMCRO, and they put an awful lot of balls in the air from the start. Too many, me thinks. But I trust Sutter, and I'll watch the rest of the season.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Funeral of our Neighbor

It was a long drive to attend, especially on the heels of our trip to South Dakota. Still, LuLu, Junie and I wanted to represent the family and pay our respects, and for reasons I don't recall we took my baby grandniece Aliyah with us - her first trip out of state, and her first funeral. 

Kevin's ex was (pleasantly) surprised to see us there. LuLu was a comfort to Kevin's kids, and the flowers we had left the family were on display in the church. 

It was moving to see how many people loved Kevin. I only wish he had recognized that fact while he was here with us. 

The Bible Tour

Across from the corn palace was a shop with a walking tour of recreated Biblical scenes. We toured at the kind request of the shop owner. @ Mitchell, South Dakota

The Corn Palace

Stopped at the world's only 🌽 palace. @ Mitchell, South Dakota