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Monday, January 28, 2019

Goodbye, Fair K-Mart

Although I kept it under wraps on social media, for the last few months I was a proud (part-time) employee of the Cudahy Kmart. If you wanted to get ahold of me from November on, good luck - two jobs, law school, and family took every minute I had.
I'd encouraged YaYa to work at Kmart b/c I wanted her to be a part of a company that had such a big part in American life, and I feared the end was near for it. As fate would have it, the very day I was hired - I wanted extra cash for Christmas, and looked forward to working with my daughter - they announced the location was closing.
Yesterday, sadly, the lights went out for the last time. Fittingly, the very last toy left in the store: a Jake Paul poster. Nobody wants that, even at 90% off lol
I had a blast in the two months I worked there. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy working with the public and I had some great co-workers: YaYa Corey, Cav, Alex D, Danny, Pauline, and others; and while cashiering was fine, my heart belongs to Hardlines, and I could do strays all day.
RIP Cudahy Kmart. You will be missed.

ISO - Job (YaYa)

I need a job! Kmart has closed and so I’m left without work.

I have more than a year of cash handling / cashiering experience, and I love interacting with people. I’m pretty good with customer service!
I would like to work no more than 15 minute away from my home.
I would be open to temporary or seasonal work- although I think most seasons are over right now.
I have worked at Spirit Halloween, Kmart, Incrediroll, and Steins. The longest job that I have kept was from 2017 - 2018.
I’d prefer to not work in food, however, I’m getting desperate.. so if it comes down to it I’ll have to.
I have an interesting schedule, I have work release at school so I only go every other day. On the days that I do go, I leave at 1:40. My schedule is pretty open!!
Please help me out if you can! I’ve been applying like CRAZY but nobody has called me back.

- YaYa


I saw this movie Sunday night all by my lonesome, which is either empowering or pathetic, depending on your POV. I really enjoyed the film, especially James McAvoy's performance and the return of so many of the original actors. In the end the story was good, the acting strong, and the name Shyamalan further restored to cinematic respectability.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Alice Isn't Dead by Joseph Fink

Book #4 of the year is a supernatural crime tale that's worth reading. Not so much for the plot, which is solid but not original, or the subject matter, but for the pure quality of #JosephFink writing. In another era, one where genre work was less tolerated, the man would be writing about Daisy and Gatsby and showing up on high school reading lists. Instead, he's writing about yellow-fat monsters, and *still* making you stop every few chapters to admit his talent. Read it. @aliceisntdead

Friday, January 25, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


 It's a lousy photo, but a heck of a cookie.

No photo description available.


On Tuesday I brought my third #Boo to the winners circle, reaching level 60. #SimplyTheBest #GOAT #MyBoo

Sad but True

Maybe five inches of wet, heavy snow on the ground. Five to nine inches more expected. Roads are sh*t. Milwaukee Public Schools? Open.

"Why isn't MPS closed?" Lauren asked me.

"The truth, or something shiny?" I said.

"The truth."

"Because too many parents treat MPS as day care and not an education."

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Congrats to Mariano!

The first EVER unanimous selection for the Hall of Fame!  And congrats to former Yank Mike Mussina for being voted in too! #Yankees #mlb

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Brothers by William Goldman

Book 3 of 2019 was the sequel to book 2 of the year (Marathon Man). "Brothers" was enjoyable but as believable as bad fan fiction. Not the greatest finale for Goldman's career as a novelist.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

War of the Wolf by Bernard Cornwell

The first book I've read in 2019 and a great continuation of the Saxon tales. Wyrd bid ful araed.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

 Very excited about a book my sweet husband ordered me today, and for offering to take me to Tiffany Jenkins, Live! for our anniversary date, when we both know it's really for me. Feeling grateful. Xo thx baby. Very excited to see her live, she makes me laugh everyday. -Lisa

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

If you don't think Garfield is the best cinematic Spidey, and/or fail to acknowledge this as the best Spiderman movie of them all, then you're really not worth knowing, are ya?

Monday, January 7, 2019


Hyperbole ahead: 

Bohemian Rhapsody winning Best Picture - Drama at the Golden Globes makes the Globes wholly irrelevant.  Whatever heft they once had is gone, replaced by all the respectability of the Kids Choice Awards.  Pfui.

Goodbye Dear Tree

Yesterday we finally took down our 8ft Christmas tree, purchased for $20 on Black Friday. Oh, naysayers commented that very day, delivering anecdotes about how their tree lasted but a week or so, and that we should expect the same. 

Certainly, fate can hand you a lemon, but as we proved the simple act of diligent watering and care can do wonders. The tree was so good I spread its needles along the lawn yesterday evening, , so that it can always be a part of this place.

RIP evergreen - we shall miss your loyal service.

April 9th

My fourth movie of the New Year was "April 9th," a Danish film about the German invasion of Denmark in 1940. I found it powerful in its devotion to the small, vain resistance put up by a single bicycle platoon.