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Monday, January 28, 2019

Goodbye, Fair K-Mart

Although I kept it under wraps on social media, for the last few months I was a proud (part-time) employee of the Cudahy Kmart. If you wanted to get ahold of me from November on, good luck - two jobs, law school, and family took every minute I had.
I'd encouraged YaYa to work at Kmart b/c I wanted her to be a part of a company that had such a big part in American life, and I feared the end was near for it. As fate would have it, the very day I was hired - I wanted extra cash for Christmas, and looked forward to working with my daughter - they announced the location was closing.
Yesterday, sadly, the lights went out for the last time. Fittingly, the very last toy left in the store: a Jake Paul poster. Nobody wants that, even at 90% off lol
I had a blast in the two months I worked there. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy working with the public and I had some great co-workers: YaYa Corey, Cav, Alex D, Danny, Pauline, and others; and while cashiering was fine, my heart belongs to Hardlines, and I could do strays all day.
RIP Cudahy Kmart. You will be missed.

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