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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Happy Birthday!

Happy Sweet 16 to my OJ aka LuLu aka Livvie Lou aka Centerpiece!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Trampoline Has Left Us

Hold up. Something's missing from this picture . . . After 12 years, a whopping $75 investment on Craigslist, and a mere one set of stitches, our beloved trampoline is no more. RIP you served us well.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Hold up - at the suggestion of her Mama, you drove your daughter to a theater an hour away, in Illinois, just because you promised her you'd see Shazam together and that's the only place it's playing within 75 miles?? #Yup #OfCourse #WeLoveThatGirl #Shazam

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Glenn Miller Orchestra

On Friday with dad to see the Glenn Miller Orchestra! πŸŽΆπŸ“· - Junie @ Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall


Spare me your "thank you for the great season!" posts about the Bucks. In the end they were what all Wisconsin teams are: the best in the game, until it's time to prove it. It's just another #Fail, nothing more.

Bart Starr

RIP Bart Starr, Packers legend and all around good Joe.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Don't Touch My Leftovers

I won’t name names. But my leftovers from my favorite restaurant were stolen out of the fridge. I may go to jail today because I honestly want to stab the mf. Don’t steal an alcoholic’s vodka, and DONT steal this fat bitch’s leftovers!!! - Lisa

Junie and I see the Glenn Miller Orchestra!

The lady behind us is quite the charmer eh? 

Photobomber aside, I was very happy to take Junie to see the Glenn Miller Orchestra play downtown. Oh, I know what you're thinking. "Poor thing, being dragged around and forced to pretend to like big band to get affection from her Father."

Well, I'm sure her interest IS 70% derived from my love of Big Band, just as mine comes from listening to it with my Grandpa and my Dad. But I assure you, while it's not her primary musical choice, she enjoys it, and often plays Glenn Miller as she's getting ready to sleep. 

I bought her this t-shirt to commemorate the event. 

After the show she was too scared to ask for pictures with the musicans, but a few blocks away from the venue I decided I would not let her indulge her fear and live in regret, so we turned around and got these pictures. That's the female vocalist (Hannah, IIRC) and the bandleader/MC. 

It was a great time, with great music and great company. Alas, they did NOT play her Glenn Miller fave, "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree."

Maybe next time kiddo. 

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

Happy mothers day to my mom, the most genuine, kindhearted soul. You've taught me what is and isn't right, taught me who to trust and who not to, and though there are moments were we fight, your always there for me and I'll appreciate that for the rest of my life. 🌹 

For all the other wonderful women I know who have spent their life devoted to their children as my mom has, like my grandmothers, aunts, and cousins, thank you and happy mothers day. - Junie

Happy Mothers Day

Happy mothers day to my mom, the most genuine, kindhearted soul. You've taught me what is and isn't right, taught me who to trust and who not to, and though there are moments were we fight, your always there for me and I'll appreciate that for the rest of my life. 🌹 For all the other wonderful women I know who have spent their life devoted to their children as my mom has, like my grandmothers, aunts, and cousins, thank you and happy mothers day. - Junie 

Saturday, May 11, 2019

At O'Hare

We've been zealously guarding our seats for over an hour. Olivia has been on the ground this whole time but delayed on board her plane. Tolerable, but not fun.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

A Request

This is from YaYa (please don't tag her in comments, so as not to embarrass her friend.) Lisa and I will be contributing to this worthy cause, but it's YaYa that stepped up, and it's YaYa that will be shouldering the majority of the cost. If you feel like contributing, God bless. Just drop a line in the comments and we'll DM. UPDATE: my pride demands I say, just to be clear, YaYa's prom was and is fully paid for, this request is SOLELY for the girl with family troubles.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

BN peeps - ran into (manager) Stephanie at the Girl Scout Service Center, where she runs the gift shop.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The calendar read April 27th, so naturally, in the course of a single hour, we experienced rain, hail, sleet, and snow, to go along with limited visibility on the roads. #yaywisconsin - Lisa

Monday, April 15, 2019

Sunday, April 14, 2019

More Snow

My winter hat, worn backwards, becomes the ideal sleep mask, should you find yourself forced to sleep in a chair on a plane, bus, etc. It eliminates ail light; the ear flaps cradle the face; and the faux fur lining lies softly against one's eyes.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Do I think the mayor orchestrated the demolition of Northridge Mall to remove an eyesore before the DNC convention? Sure. Do I think motive matters when the result is good? No.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Smiley gets me a great Hamilton bust!

Smiley is home from DC, and brought me a wonderful bust of Alexander Hamilton from Monticello! (oddly, the home of Hamilton's nemesis, Jefferson)

Forrest Gregg


He was one of Vince Lombardi's favorite players. He was a first ballot Hall of Famer. He coached the Bengals to a Super Bowl appearance. It's a heck of a resume. But trustfully, what I remember of him are some dim recollections of him being named head coach of the Packers in the 80's, and a press conference where he announced his departure from the same. 

RIP Packer. RIP. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

MPS Rules from 1846

 Good, solid rules that produced the generation that won the Civil War.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Captain MooMoo makes an appearance

Captain Moo Moo made a rare social appearance, jumping up on the bed and demanding I pet him for a good ten minutes.


Sunday, April 7, 2019

Smiley leaves for DC

 Sending my son off on a school trip to Washington DC. Have a great (and safe) time Smiley!