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Friday, May 24, 2019

Junie and I see the Glenn Miller Orchestra!

The lady behind us is quite the charmer eh? 

Photobomber aside, I was very happy to take Junie to see the Glenn Miller Orchestra play downtown. Oh, I know what you're thinking. "Poor thing, being dragged around and forced to pretend to like big band to get affection from her Father."

Well, I'm sure her interest IS 70% derived from my love of Big Band, just as mine comes from listening to it with my Grandpa and my Dad. But I assure you, while it's not her primary musical choice, she enjoys it, and often plays Glenn Miller as she's getting ready to sleep. 

I bought her this t-shirt to commemorate the event. 

After the show she was too scared to ask for pictures with the musicans, but a few blocks away from the venue I decided I would not let her indulge her fear and live in regret, so we turned around and got these pictures. That's the female vocalist (Hannah, IIRC) and the bandleader/MC. 

It was a great time, with great music and great company. Alas, they did NOT play her Glenn Miller fave, "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree."

Maybe next time kiddo. 

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