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Friday, September 6, 2019


had an amazing time at the kesha concert! we literally had front row seats!  - YaYa

A Problem at Pantherfest

This guy - perhaps an employee of the venue or artist - refused to accommodate a visibly disabled student at Pantherfest, in the process referring to her as a "cripple."  I'm told the UWM police are now involved.

New to Me

I did not know this.

Pg 31, "Marbury v Madison: The Origins and Legacy of Judicial Review" by William E Nelson

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Sunday, September 1, 2019

At the Lake with Smiley

After visiting YaYa in her dorm and dining in the cafeteria, Smiley wanted to go for a hike at the lakefront (well, a hike in my out of shape opinion; more a leisurely walk). The weather was warm but held the threat of rain, and Lake Michigan itself appeared agitated. It was a nice evening with my Odds (1st and 3rd born.)

Two Sad Anniversaries

And yesterday marked 50 years since the plane crash that killed the great Rocky Marciano.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

YaYa's Dorm

the photos are kinda blurry but I think we can hand the "coolest dorm ever" award to my sister  -Junie

The Dorm

all moved in to sandburg! 💓 YaYa

First Day of College!!!

Although classes don't start until after Labor Day, YaYa moved into the dorms today. A new chapter has begun for her, and we couldn't be prouder!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Firestorm #17 and the Day my Grandpa Died

On the day my grandpa died in 1983, a family member - their identity long lost to memory - bought a handful of comic books and brought them to our house in a thoughtful effort to distract me from my grief. Yesterday, thumbing through the dollar bin at the comic store with Junie,  this cover triggered a long lost memory. As I flipped through the book, the memory was confirmed; this issue of Firestorm was one of the books from that awful day. I'm happy to own a copy again - and under much better circumstances.

update: (from my sister Katie)  

Auntie Dolores had her daughters bring comic books and food from the open pantry they owned for us. Auntie Dolores watched us while mom and grandma went to take care of grandpa’s needs.


I know this movie was tore apart by critics, and I acknowledge it wrongly sanctifies both Gotti and his son.  But you know what?  I really enjoyed it.  I thought it was a fine biopic with what *I* think was a stunning performance by John Travolta. It's worth renting for Travolta's work alone.

A Message to the Kids

Woke up just now with my heart so full of love in my heart for my kids. Don’t know what I was dreaming about that led to that feeling but when you feel it you should share it! YaYa, LuLu, Smiley, Junie💕💜 I’m so blessed to have been given the opportunity to be your mom.

Junie asked me the other day what my favorite age kid is and I couldn’t give her a straight answer. Pros and cons to all the ages but I love just watching them grow and change. They make me laugh every day! For all the dreams and hopes I have for them my biggest goal was always to raise people that I liked....and these four people are so likable, funny, genuine, and strong!!!!! So blessed. Tomorrow my post may be an auction to sell them to the highest bidder, lol, but for now I’ll embrace this warmth in my heart for these four beautiful people!!! 

Dan you ain’t so shabby either my love

- Lisa

Saturday, August 24, 2019


A very large grasshopper in the back yard.

The Popeye's Craze and Indian Food

I finally got the Indian food I was craving. Shout out to cafe India. Yum! Thanks Dan. The Popeyes spicy chicken sandwich with all the buzz will have to wait. The first location had 15 cars in line and the second location was sold out!

Bit-O-Paradise is more like it!

Best.  Candy. Evah. You can argue otherwise - but you're just lying to yourself.

Friday, August 23, 2019

A professor just wrote and offered me a research assistant position. I don't know what the job entails, but I know this - that's the last credit I need to graduate from this place.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The First Day of the Last Semester of Law School

Gawd I look awful.  But I look awful on the  first day of the last semester of law school, the (presumed) end to a long and difficult six year process.  So there's that.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Peter Fonda

If you're cheering Peter Fonda's death/ rooting for him to burn in hell bc of his politics, or something he said on Twitter, you're a burden to the cause and no better than a Lefty who can't separate politics from humanity.  Go away.

RIP Peter. 

The 36th Grandpa's Day

Yesterday was the 36th anniversary of Grandpa's Day, and while he was on my mind all day, it wasn't until today that I visited the cemetary. Afterwards we stopped and visited my folks. A nice little afternoon.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The First Day of (High School) School Year

Today my #Centerpieces went back to school, Lulu as a junior, Smiley as a freshman. #ProudParents #MuchLove

My Boo

I took yet another Boo to the promised land of level 60, but unlike past triumphs this one didn't spawn a new Boo for me. It looks like the game has tapped out, acknowledging my greatness, but in doing so it denies some young Boo the honor of a future championship.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Epstein and Clinton

I'm the guy that rejects conspiracies . .  But an awful lot of people with dirt on the Clinton's  wind up six feet deep. #ForReal #TooMany

Friday, August 9, 2019