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Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Message to the Kids

Woke up just now with my heart so full of love in my heart for my kids. Don’t know what I was dreaming about that led to that feeling but when you feel it you should share it! YaYa, LuLu, Smiley, Junie💕💜 I’m so blessed to have been given the opportunity to be your mom.

Junie asked me the other day what my favorite age kid is and I couldn’t give her a straight answer. Pros and cons to all the ages but I love just watching them grow and change. They make me laugh every day! For all the dreams and hopes I have for them my biggest goal was always to raise people that I liked....and these four people are so likable, funny, genuine, and strong!!!!! So blessed. Tomorrow my post may be an auction to sell them to the highest bidder, lol, but for now I’ll embrace this warmth in my heart for these four beautiful people!!! 

Dan you ain’t so shabby either my love

- Lisa

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