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Friday, August 9, 2019

Remember Them

What people remember most about the occupants of Cielo Drive on August 9th 1969 is their brutal end, and their status as victims.  But a life shouldn't be remembered only by its end.  Sharon Tate was an up and coming actress who was legitimately considered one of the nicest people you would ever meet. Jay Sebring revolutionized men's hair care and achieved fame of his own - he guest starred on Batman as a character modeled after himself 'Jay Oceanbring.' Abagail Folger, despite being the heiress to the coffee fortune, was a social worker in the slums of Los Angeles. Wojciech Frykowski survived the occupation of WWII Poland, and the subsequent communist takeover, and helped kickstart the career of Roman Polanski by financing one of his first films. Steven Parent had dreams of college and had overcome legal problems in his youth. Like every victim, they were so much more than a statistic, so much more than a body on the ground.  They deserved better.  They didn't have the chance to live on; let's make sure at least  their memory does. RIP. 

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