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Friday, December 20, 2019


We have a family friend in need of help to make Christmas special. If anyone wants details on how to help dm Dan or myself. - Lisa

Ms. Heidi

Smiley considers this lovely lady his most important teacher. Smiley has speech apraxia, and Heidi Reid was crucial in his speech development. We finally hooked up on Facebook to insure a connection after our youngest leaves Humboldt Park school. Happy to have her in our fb circle - Lisa

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Baby Jesus Statue

I teased Dani for this old chipped GIANT baby Jesus flea market find. Made him wait multiple weeks to get it, telling him he was nuts and weird and that we already had a nativity. Well, It’s rare but sometimes I’m wrong. I love it now, and don’t see a future tree with out it at the center! ❤️  - Lisa

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Hayden Fry

 Great Iowa football coach Hayden Fry has passed away at 90. RIP

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Nice Momento by Smiley

 A moment from the dean’s luncheon captured by Smiley

Terminator Salvation

Honestly, it bored me. If you have only seen the first two movies, maybe - maybe - you won't find it mind bogglingly derivative. They tried, they really did, and the action scenes were good even if they were predictable. But oy, I think this series is done.


Dan's sister Chrissy recommended The restaurant/bar “Flappers” to us. It’s on 76th and Becher. It used to be called “Beacher Street bar and grill” years ago when we were regulars to their Fish Fry. It was delicious! Best burger I’ve had in a while Great prices too! We’ll definitely be returning! - Lisa

The State Fair Light Display

So we did the state fair drive through light/music display tonight. Not crowded, $20 a-car Sun-Thursday. Really enjoyed it. Question to my fb friends: what other drive through displays have the synchronized music? That was neat! - Lisa

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Just bought meat there the day before they closed. should I still use or toss? 🤔


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gerrit Cole joins the Yankees

Great news. Now bring us that ring - you know, the one we should have had in 2017 except the Astros were dirty rotten lying cheats that should be banned from the post-season for the next decade.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Nope. Nuh-uh.

 Nope. My kid’s phone will remain on them 100% of the time. If you catch them using it, then you can punish them. Until then, they’ll keep it on them. Parents, re think rolling over on these phone rules. Their phones are their most immediate means of help in an emergency. If it’s locked in their locker or with their teacher it’s of no use to them. If in doubt look into the most recent events, the KIDS with phones are calling 911 most of the time!

- Lisa

A Gift

So the oldest wrote a thank you note for a professor who’s class she enjoyed, and got a gift. I’m impressed ❤️ I don’t remember liking any of my college classes THAT much 😂

- Lisa

Monday, December 9, 2019

Knives Out

Knives Out is brilliant and a joy to watch. The ensemble cast carries the movie almost exclusively through dialogue but it still moves at the speed of light.  Well worth the ticket price!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ugly Sweater Cookies

 Creative! “Ugly sweater” decorating kits at Walmart. Junie and her friend did a great job! So cute! - Lisa

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

 Can I just say I’m thankful that there’s no admin on my personal fb page? Lol - Lisa

A Message from Lisa

 So I’ve been dragging my feet on holiday prep and generally down-trodden and anxiety ridden about the upcoming holidays all together, but I feel it turning a corner. The ability of music to heal is powerful. Two of my favorite Christmas songs played back to back this morning...seconds after I dropped off the middle two and was alone (rare).

No other song makes my body, heart and soul react like “oh night divine”. Never have I heard the following lyrics and not had it affect me.
Oh hear the angels' voices
Oh night divine
O night when Christ was born
So I let the full reaction hit me as I was alone in the car. Rejoiced in every note, tears free flowing.
Then...another favorite, Mariah’s “All I want for Christmas”. First, broken down and humbled in gratitude then lifted up and tapping my toes in joy...all in a 7 minute span.
So, if you were feeling how I hope for you is whatever has the power to lighten life’s load for you reveals itself to you today, or soon, so you can fully enjoy your holiday prep and celebration (however that looks for you). Life’s hard but it’s worth it! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Lisa

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Goodbye Chaco :(

RIP Chaco. Best dog EVER. And everyone knows I’m NOT a dog person, but Chaco was different! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ The neighborhood dog. The family that owned Chaco and shared him so graciously, also owned Simon the neighborhood cat. We were so blessed to know them both. Chaco’s family has been struck by tragedy before and I’m praying they’ve met their sadness quota for a long while! 😞 - Lisa

Goodbye Chaco

 RIP you wonderful doggy. you'll be missed by so so many. I really wish I could give you one last walk around the block, chaco - Junie

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ah. THAT'S why lol

This must be why my wife is so unhappy all the time. #icanthelpimbeautiful

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Blue Moon by Lee Child

Easily one of the worst Reacher novels; certainly in the bottom two or three. A weak incentive for action, idiotic victims, a disjointed plot, a death toll larger than some Civil War battles, and allies that sound like Reacher clones. Pfui. Skip it.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Popeyes Spicy Chicken Sandwich Debacle

So Dan tried to get the Popeyes sandwiches but instead got yelled at, so he yelled back. No sandwiches for us. Giving up, it just ain’t worth it!

Employee was not responding to the microphone so he pulled up and she told him she's the only one working. He said but you could let your customers know that so they don't just sit there. Manager came screaming he has no right to disrespect her employees blah blah. He called her some choice words and left.

[in the meantime I left and got sandwiches from Hothead Chicken]

Best chicken sandwich ever. First time for the sandwiches. “Nashville” level spice. Omg so good! Why we were even trying for Popeyes with hot head around the corner?!

OMG. Seriously. So good!

- Lisa

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Some people man

This idiot (who just watched a '50's film about heroin) wins the Boomer award for the day.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


theatre stagecraft 214 class in front of our beautiful set 🥺 - YaYa