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Monday, November 11, 2019

The Popeyes Spicy Chicken Sandwich Debacle

So Dan tried to get the Popeyes sandwiches but instead got yelled at, so he yelled back. No sandwiches for us. Giving up, it just ain’t worth it!

Employee was not responding to the microphone so he pulled up and she told him she's the only one working. He said but you could let your customers know that so they don't just sit there. Manager came screaming he has no right to disrespect her employees blah blah. He called her some choice words and left.

[in the meantime I left and got sandwiches from Hothead Chicken]

Best chicken sandwich ever. First time for the sandwiches. “Nashville” level spice. Omg so good! Why we were even trying for Popeyes with hot head around the corner?!

OMG. Seriously. So good!

- Lisa

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